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Tuesday 22 June 2010

Internet as an effective weapon in the political struggle

Egytpains are still shocked from the brutal murdering of Khaled Said and the social networks and the web news portals are filled with articles about this new black page of the brutality by the egytpain police.
This has triggered me to gather some thoughts about the best way to create effective and influential political campaigns launched from the internet.

- Technology could be effective weapon to uncover the brutality and the corruption of the government.
- Innovations have the potential to change the world.
- Picture is better than thousands of words. Mobile camera can be an amazing and effective weapon in struggling and facing of the corruption. If everyone has put that in his mind when he sees wrong doing and he ceases the chance to take photo of it, this could awaken millions of people. That what happened exactly in the case of Khaled Said. Someone managed to take photo of his smashed head and his broken jaw.
- Languages should be very simple and very close to the layman and the average people. Words have to be picked very carefully. Buzzy and formal words will kill the message.
- The campiagn started from Facebook and spreaded to the street. It is challenging to mobilze the Egyptians because of their deepened negative nature.
- Campaign has to be spreaded gradually from the narrow circle to the wider circles.
Meaning; the messege spreaded from Facebook to the talk shows and to the independent Internet Egyptian news portal and after that to the independent press.
- Creative and out of the box ideas have to be used in combating and resisting the harsh and aggressive dictatorships.
- Bulk SMS's to the mobile community would be major spreading to slices of community never approached even.
- Printed papers, posters.
- Emails to the whole email community.
- International talk shows like Aljazeera listening post.

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