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Wednesday 30 June 2010

Produce more

- The more you don, the more marks on the world you can put, and the more deep and wider your footprint. Just increase your accuracy and shorten the time for achieving things and produce more .. and more .. and more..

Continuing random selection from my diaries

- Explore the deep ocean of your inner problem. Dive deeply in your inner soul and explore this hidden world.
- I'm determined to turn my life to be very organized and disciplined.
- Better utilization of Notes will help you to achieve that.
- When you review your notes think how you will do it and make rough plan for achieving the mentioned task in the note.
- Think as well about When. Those "How" and "When" would help you to realize the note to achieved task.
- Record your random ideas as leads of innovations.
- Whenever you have an idea, turn to it to tangible achievement and value. Invest it.
- dump all you ideas here where your blogging is your reliable journaling.
- I will not allow myself to destroy myself or to let me sink in the deep shit hole.
- I will show myself and I will prove to myself that I can do it. Remember that whenever you have challenge to overcome.

from my diaries - self dialog

- Run faster and faster and the whole world will follow you and run with your pace.
- When Bill Gates will leave the world, he could proudly say that I contributing in creating better world than the one I grew up in. Can you claim the same?
- You deserve all the good in the world so go and claim it. Goodness was created for you and people like you. You deserve and you HAVE to get it.
- Train yourself to see what others can’t see.
- Opportunities are there on the tree and waiting for you , just climb and get it.
- Love yourself , even adore yourself and don’t deal with yourself as piece of trash.
- Run faster and faster and stretch always your limits.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Some of previous writings - ambitions

I was re-reading some of my previous writings before. We have tendency to forget and many times the spark is fading away by the time and because of our short memory. Recording this sparks in our diaries is very helpful to recall them in the down times where it will awaken again our ambitious spirit.
- If you can touch the cloud, why you are living in the slum and the garbage land.
- There are so many pleasures and gains in the life so why you are not looking forward to harvest them and get them.
- Life is running and withdrawn unconsciously and gradually and smoothly between your hand and the best years of your life have already almost gone. What else are you waiting for to "really and effectively and seriously" start.

Problems are only challenges to be addressed

Deal with problems as challenges and as obstruction between you and your goals. Tell yourself that this problem is the obstruction between and achieving my goal and if I managed to solve it and I will reach my goal. The next step what it requires to solve the problem and whatever it requires do it.

Breeding my mind

My mind needs triggering and compelling events to produce and create and operate. Since the working and life are becoming relatively empty, my mind started to become again lazy and in the idle status. I'm glad that I decided to enroll myself in the online master degree where it will give me ammunitions to think and to interact with plenty of rich resources of thinking and knowledge.
I could think as well about MBA or work related objectives or planning for personal corporate objectives.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Time as a continuous pressure

I have this pressure on my back all the time that time is ticking and I need to monetize as best as I can. What I have found out that it is really killing so many good moments where you feel guilty to cut out some time to enjoy something and in fact I'm wasting and mismanaging so long time also. I need to stop this annoying feeling of guilt about the time and enjoy the moment.

Innovation is changing the world

Some people are trying to change the world through the political power, others through military resistance, and others through intellectual contributions. But in this era the most influential method for impacting the world is innovation.

Facebook as news transporter

Many news networks and agencies are using Facebook to update te readers. Being used by 400 million users all over the world and the connectivity between it and cell phone have candidate Facebook as an excellent transporter and conveyer of the news. I found out that Facebook can be registered on Telkomsel. I registered it and subscribed in the real time news Facebook pages like breaking news, CNN and Aljazeera. Now I'm receiving on my cell phone real time news from these networks.

Technology, Wrokforce and working time

The working hours will be 40 hours per week. How many times did you read that in many job descriptions? In my 11 years of experience in the petroleum industry, I've noticed all the time the overstaffing and the long route of achieving and accomplishing things. Technology should reduce dramatically the workforce and the working time.
Technology and implementation of the innovations can contribute as well in improving the safety record. Manless rigs and office managed operations are already available technology but the mentalities of the CEO's and the decision makers are still on-site dependent minds.


I consider it essential part of knowing and understanding the new cultures. Being in my countires due my career encouraged me to experiemtn this Gasto-culture and pushing the limit of it. The only concer is the hygenic level of the food where the consequences and the complications can be fatal. Otherwise I 'm welling always to explore the gastro world.
Having my current work assignment in Indonesia has given me good chance to explore so many new recipes in this mosaic of ethnics and cultures.
Whenever I check the menu, I'm searching for the weired and new items.

Past diaries

Since a long time ago, I was writing my diaries. It was in my early teenager days. It was deep emotions of a teenager who is trying to understand what's going on around him and put his emotions and thoughts on paper. I will record in my blog page some of the content of these diaries. Reading the self written diaries is so much joyfulby itself.

Blog as an evolution and maturation record

When you follow the chronological order of some of the blogs you can trace the evolution of the character and the maturation of ideas along the time. Very interesting.

Flash of genius

I'm receiving randomly these scattered ideas from time to time about potential innovative ideas. I need to practice later on to take a note of these ideas. Probably that what's called flash of genius. As said before, Edison's main gift was the meticulous recording of his notes and turning them to commercial products.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Investment leads

I'm thinking always about intiating my own business. I'm not sure yet that I will have the guts to achieve that and turn it from wishful dream to business objective and project plan. But as a kind of start I will journal all my investment ideas and record them and that probably may push me stp forward to work on some of them and to plan for them.

Internet as an effective weapon in the political struggle

Egytpains are still shocked from the brutal murdering of Khaled Said and the social networks and the web news portals are filled with articles about this new black page of the brutality by the egytpain police.
This has triggered me to gather some thoughts about the best way to create effective and influential political campaigns launched from the internet.

- Technology could be effective weapon to uncover the brutality and the corruption of the government.
- Innovations have the potential to change the world.
- Picture is better than thousands of words. Mobile camera can be an amazing and effective weapon in struggling and facing of the corruption. If everyone has put that in his mind when he sees wrong doing and he ceases the chance to take photo of it, this could awaken millions of people. That what happened exactly in the case of Khaled Said. Someone managed to take photo of his smashed head and his broken jaw.
- Languages should be very simple and very close to the layman and the average people. Words have to be picked very carefully. Buzzy and formal words will kill the message.
- The campiagn started from Facebook and spreaded to the street. It is challenging to mobilze the Egyptians because of their deepened negative nature.
- Campaign has to be spreaded gradually from the narrow circle to the wider circles.
Meaning; the messege spreaded from Facebook to the talk shows and to the independent Internet Egyptian news portal and after that to the independent press.
- Creative and out of the box ideas have to be used in combating and resisting the harsh and aggressive dictatorships.
- Bulk SMS's to the mobile community would be major spreading to slices of community never approached even.
- Printed papers, posters.
- Emails to the whole email community.
- International talk shows like Aljazeera listening post.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Monetize your time

Time is valuable. Always think the best way to monetize it to get the maximum value out of it.

Hug the life

New day in my life.
I would like to embrace and hug the life.
I want to feel the most out of it.
I want to smell it.
small it .. open your lungs and fill them with the air..
open your eyes and see the bright colour of the life..
life is beautifull ..
enjoy the moment and enjoy the world ..
it is a sin to not enjoying this beautifull world..

Thursday 17 June 2010

Health care economics from the preventive medicine perspective

Back to the preventive medicine approach and how it could change our health care planning and health care economics. Preventive medicine requires a lot of effort and campaigns to implement it effectively in the society.
Combating the pollution instead of building hospital has the state of the art. I would spend fraction of this money on the pollution and the root causes.
In Egypt we built specialized hospital for children cancer mainly from the social philanthropy.
Everybody was talking proudly about this achievement and how it is equipped with the state of the art medical equipments and well trained staff.
I would perceive the whole matter from totally different angle. Firstly no one asked himself why we have this increasing trend of the cancer sick children. No one requested to go through root cause analysis of the problem and trace it to the fundamental causes.
This has to be concluded from medical surveys and statistics which can identify any pattern emerging in the public health and trigger investigation through systematic root cause analysis and pin point to them and the root solutions.
There is no any bit of rationale behind supplying the people with polluted drinking water and sub-standard processed food and heavily polluted air and after that requesting people to donate millions to build medical facilities to cure them.
The planning and the economics of the whole health care system should be re-designed to give priority to make people healthy and to prevent the spread of diseases rather than giving the priority to the treatments.
IF you we investigate many of the medical diseases and sickness, you will find that they are preventable.
We should encourage and provide incentives to the people who are maintaining their health because they are saving the budget of the people from spending it on their treatment.
For instance, we can provide them gym equipments or free tickets to outdoor activities and so on..
In short, instead of waiting for the fire to ignite and to escalate and interfere at this late moment by brining the heavy trucks and the huge fire extinguishers and the fire fighting squads, fight the lit.
Instead of spending millions on bronchitis treatment, plug filters to the cement factories to reduce the fumes. Spend fraction of this money on the public transportation so people will not use their cars wherever they go.
Instead of spending millions on treating the cancer, educate the people about the carcinogenic substances and how they could avoid it.
Instead of spending millions on diabetes, educate the people about the balanced meal and the importance of fibers and reducing the meat…

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Blogsphere .. I wish I could give it more time

Blogsphere is tremendously rich with the immense myriad of bloggers who have different natures, thoughts, ideas and contributions. What attracts me really to read for these bloggers their personal tone which is very humanized and very close to my heart and mind. I read before that blogging by itself is positive contribution to the world because it can consume the energy of many people in something useful instead of deploying this energy in probable harmful matters for the world.These is a sensable meaning behind this say and after sometime in bloggingI started to understand that. I knew before that there are millions of blogs now in the blogsphere and the updated ones are millions as well.
I was struggling to gauage the value of blogging against other activities like reading and my scientific notes and work creativity times. I found out that blogging still should have its own time which is really invested time and not wasted time and that was proven by the potential progress at several fronts.
Imagine now if these blogs will be available thorugh more portable and handy means like your iPhone or iPad. Definetely when this level of accessibility will come you will find the current model of journal writers will be replaced by different generations of bloggers and writers who write without boundaries.
In the authritarian countires , the press is totally hijaked by the governments and the writers are the cosmetic surgeons of these corrupted governements where they are their arm for shaping the mind of the people and deviate the public opinion to their interests.
The accessible blogsphere will break these monopoly on the press and will make it accessible for everyone.

Health Journaling

It is useful way also to track your health, record your symptoms and your reactions to any medications, your fatigue levels and any health resolutions and the planning for your health. This could include the different aspects of health like physical ,sexual, psycholgical. Your ideas for how to get better wellness from totally personla perspective and by the time you will understand more and more how your body is behaving and you will have very valuable record about your health and veyr good awareness about it.
Should I create new blog page for this specific purose. I will think about that.

Google Health .. The amazing discovery of today

Actually all that came up when I was reading in BBC Technology section about the e-health records in UK and the debate about it. Though the article was perceiving the negative aspect of these electronic records of the patients and the UK health database. I noticed always that some of the technology and science writers are busy always with highlighting the negative results and evil could emerge from any new technology initiative.
But for myself I liked the idea and I decided to create my own health record and make it digital and online for me and the family.
For no specific reason I thought about web site probably dedicated for hosting the personal health records and surprisingly I found out that Google has already created Google Health. This guys are astonishing. They are expanding their domain to cover each single aspect of our life.
Of course I created my Google Health profile. Later after experiencing it I will talk about my impressions about the service.

Preventive medicine

The medicine still dominated by the reactive treatment. We shoudl reverse totally the medical care p[lans to contibute more on the preventive medicine on the personal and the national levels.
Each penny spent on the prevention will save hundreds of it spent post the disease.

Health resolutions

Monitor the proportions and the portions of your food more closely.
Increase the amount of fibers, vegetables and fruits in your meals.
When I was recalling my record of previous meals I found out that we as family hadn't have emough amount of fruits and it was the forgotten item in our meals.
Vegetables were barely OK and portiens were more than the accepted levels.
Monitoring the meals will alert you whenever you have unhealthy pattern of your food.

I'm glad that I'm regularly executing my previous resolution to drink more water. Now I need to to sustain this as a habit. and increase the fruits and vegetables.

Yougurt also needs more attention.

So since sometime I was eating two yougurt cans in daily basis.

Workout resolutions

I'm glad that I started that since 2 months ago. Results are very encouraging and my body is really responding very positevly. That has started by going to the gym. Fcilities and equipments were very good and I,m planning to intensify and commit more to an organized plan to fit it totally in my daily life.

During my stay here in the hotel and since the hotel dones't include any gym facilities I collected from the Internet very good ideas about the non equipment home workouts and I 'm exercising them on front of TV where I decided I will no stay on front of TV any more and it will be totally workouts on front of it.

Personal health record

I thought about that before but I didn’t start it. I was just collecting and filing our family medical documents and prescriptions.
In conjunction with my obsession to record and document everything, I’m planning to convert them to digital files and retain them as well.
It is very valuable to track my health and to take the required decision to improve it by the time.

This will include the following;
- Medical documents.
- Prescriptions.
- Vaccination records.
- Annual checkup reports.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Fill your empty mind and soul with work-outs

I have to occupy my mind and my soul more with the physical work-outs. There is still empty hole in my soul and my mind to be filled with positive energy instead of the negative energy.
Resolution to be executed from today.

Technology social impact

Many of us has the enthusiasm someday to chnage the world or at least to make it better world for living and humanity and reduce the pain in this world. Usually we believed that the reformists and the politicians and leaders can make this difference and lead the reform and resist the corruption, poverty, injustice in their countries. Now when I see the impact of the technology and the major corporations and the multinational companies I can tell that changing the world has news ways now and the ones who are leading the changes in the world are totally different minds and different people.
Technology like social networking or cell phones and the major companies contributions to the society either directly in terms of the business or R&D or as corporate society responsibilities phelanthropy is impacting thousands of people. This onsiderable mark in the impact

Web History

I discovered new Google discovery today. Web history. This is exactly what I was searching for.
I wanted to record and document my web browsing where it is valuable activity for me and it represents considerable portion of my time.

Monday 14 June 2010

Google universe

Google is withdrawing the users to its universe and gaining everyday new slice of users to their cloud applications. they are smartly differentiating their applications from the other applications and really utilizing the concept of cloud applications in their googly unique ways.
Yesterday I was checking on the internet the football world cup schedule and I wanted to embed it in my calendar. The available option I found was direct embedding of the schedule in iGoogle using new gadget for the football leagues including the all famous football leagues int he world in iGoogle. Actually I didn't know iGoogle before but it was really another cool utility from Google in the personalized web pages where I can aggregate several key web information boxex in one page. This will increse the productivity. I consider iGoogle and Google reader are one of the most productive utilities which really can improve the productivity and the information capturing in very short span.
iGoogle as well was full of gadgets whihc is unique value for all these open source platforms where it is open for the developers so they can unlimitedly develop their applications and gadgets on them.
I found alos the world cup schedule posted on the Google calendar and adjusted to my selected time zone which was different from PC purposely.
Eventually, I ended up with using two new applications, iGoogle and Google calendar where both have provided me with significant values.
This incident shows how Google is smartly withdrawing the customers to their universe of cloud applications.
If all these applications will be accessible someday with Android, then you can start to link the dots and figure out the gigantic business model of Google. Universal portability of their applications and full dependecy on their applications everywhere for personal and business usages.

How to improve your blogging

According to my short experience in blogging I concluded the following tips and hints to improve my blogging skills and the quality of my blogging.
- The tools of expressions are very variable and till now I'm depending only on the textual expression. I can increase the bandwidth of my expressiont ools to include as well the photos, videos, drawings in my blogging. Drawiing s for example can be very expressive and now I understood why some diaries included drawings. It can be very effective part of the psychological exploration of the innner soul and improve the efficiency of the expression.
- Typing speed to be improved based on the rigth ergonomics.
- Think more deeply throughout your daily life to create seeds for our ideas to explore the life and yourself ad mature these ideas throughout the time.
- record notes in your mobile about the blogging subjects to avoid forgetting them.

More fluent and more efficient thinking

No dought that bloggin works with me and I just need to increase and deepen this habit.
I'm becoming more fluent and more organized in my phrasing so the improvement in the written and verbal communication really is worthy the time spent on the blogging. This by itself is very valuable results from the blogging. Blogging as well is enriching my mind with ideas so now when I talk to people I have wider base of ideas about the subject of life where I thought about them befor and I have perspective and opinion toward things.

Crowed wisdom

Crowed wisdom can be effective brainstorming and productive technique for rapidly and quicly generate tones and tones of new ideas about a certain subject and removig the all constrains on creativity. It is the upscaling and the expansion of the brainstorming but instead of doing it within very close stakeholders and participants. crowd wisodm will expand the contribution to include the widest circle possible can be involved. It requires smart management of the generated ideas to convert them to effective and achievble ideas otherwise crowed wisdom can be turned to random noise cancelling each other and the point of it will be missed.
The efficinecy of the crowd wisodm by expanding the crowed and encourage each member to effectively participate and provide the all required facilities to stimulate their minds and to educate them about the problem.
Some statistical tools can be utilized to measure the process and to convert it to quantitative results like histogram of the ideas and sorting them based on the most agreed and most suggested or the most economic or most affordable or most achievalbe or most creative.
So mnay cases can be addressed by the crowed wisdom so for instance the oil spill.
BP is struggling to plug the blown well and obviously the problem wasn't addressed before and it needs totally out of the box solution. Crowd wisodm will stimulate hundreds, thoiusands or even millions of brains into the problem and this will have the potential to widen the space thinking and creativity to its limits.
Now the problem only discussed within very closed circle of special matter experts but sometimes the out of box ideas can be effectively contributed by the non experts.
In business also, so many challenges can be addressed by the crowed wisdom. If the company managed to effectively include the widest circle of employees to contribute and participate in solving the company challenges, then thye could come up with very non traditional and creative and out of the box ideas for their business.
Other ideas as well will not be wasted but they can be reserved as ideas tank or reserve to be assessed and utilized when the appropriate time comes.

Political role of internet

Can internet play effective political role in the reforming and the struggle against dectatorship? Or it is just information flowing from useless person to another useless person. Probably the theory behind the influence and the impact of the internet and the wieght is based on the the flow of information to the widest circle and this will increase the probability of the effective people to contribute and the weight and the significance will be based at the end of the day on the power and the ability to change of the people. I'm trying to analyze the role can be played by the digital media to combat this brutality incident and what is the underlying dynamics of it.

So the analysis will be very helpful to understand the process and the evolution of the effect and how can we maximize the impact.

The following are some lessons learned;

- Each additional voice is creating a bit of momentum and entrenching and deepening the effect.
- The aggressors are afraid from the voice, so the voice is counted. They are using threatening to mute the people to eliminate this momentum.
- There is a critical mass and the point to reach this critical mass to influence and to impact.
- Widen the audience base as you could to increase the possibility of influence.
- The communication channels are, internet based, TV-based, Press, Cell phones.
- In the struggle for a major cause you need to use all these channels.
- Use each single avenue of communication since you can afford to loose any possible mementum.

Social networking

What is the deal about social networking why it is getting popular day after day. In my opinion, social networking is the upscaling of the voice communication, where instead of knowing information though very limited narrow bandwidth, social networking is expanding and widenining this bandwidth so you can have text, photos.,, be shared with others.
Facebook someday will be like O2 or AT&T where will be the communication company through the internet for the full multimedia communication. The smart phones and the mobile access to the internet will boost the accessibility to the social networking.

Family says Egypt police brutally killed their son - 6/11/2010 4:10:21 PM | Newser

Family says Egypt police brutally killed their son - 6/11/2010 4:10:21 PM | Newser

Sunday 13 June 2010

Value of blogging..organizing my thoughts...stimulating my mind

Bloggin is converting my self-dialogue space. Instead of having the previous random immature ideas poping up in my head, blogging is converting them to mature ideas and complete perspectives. In addition, it exposes my inner psychology so my inner soul becomes more healthy and less fragile and more regid

New money resolution

The day before, I bought some stuff and I didn't pay so much attention to the price calculation. This careless attitude toward my money should stop as well. New resolution, whatever I buy I shouldn't assume that the cashier will be absolutly right I should revise his calculation. To be executed from the direct coming purchase.


Statistics is amazing tool where we can discover a lot of hidden patterns and relationships either causations or correlations between the different variables. The value of statistics increase whenver we don't have full understanding about the underlying dyanmics and the underlying dertminsitic math governing the phenomenon. Only statistics in this situation can convert all these tons of data in more meaningfull and understood information.

The progress of a country can be measured by their progress in statistics. The key principal value and objective about statistics is the measurement which is the inital process in any imprevement and in any planning.

As LEAN procedures state that the first task to improve any process is to measure. Statistics as well is about measurement.

Each society whould have huge statistical database and the all planning should be based on it.

Good progress in my resolutions

I'm so satisifed about the progress I'm doing in my resolutions. It is very clear now that all I need , is continuing my successfull and productive effort and don't let the external factors distract or deviate me from my track.
In the weekend I already executed some of the listed tasks like the payslip spreadsheet to track my income salary. This byitself includes several valuable and positive values. Firstly I benifited from my friend advise when he told me he is doing that since a long time now and it was so efficient process for him whewre he can estimate and evluate each single item in his payslip. I was almost illiterate about some of the items in my payslip as part of my financhial illiteracy and as part of the major nagtive point of money illitaracy an dmany careless and money non appreciation attitude.
I consider this step is a major step really in my life to cure this negative point and part of the psychological treatment.
I remember since I was hired as an employee 11 years ago I was the last one who counts his salary where I was paid by cash at this time and not deposited in my bank account.
The same habit was there.
So that's why I'm so satisifed now about initiating this process and I'm really cosnidering it major step.
I will improve and devlop this spreadsheet by the time and I will link it with the aother spreadsheet to be created about my expenses.
My long objectives to have full complete personal finaince and accounting system to track all my financhial life.


All these new gadgets is about portability and the scalability to wider capapcity and wider varities.
MP3 Player
all of them are targeting the key selling point which is portability where portability is directly correlated to productivity in our mind.

Football World Cup - Lessons for life

In conjunction with the ongoing world cup 2010, there are so many lessons learned for life can be concluded from the football. Actually football is very good "modeling" and representation of life. The following are some examples of these lessons learned which is very applicable in life;
1) Team playing.
2) Orchestration
3) Coaching
4) Skills development
5) Competitive spirit
6) Measurable objectives
7) Proactive approach
8) positioning of the players.
9) Opportunity ceasing

Either Perfect or nothing

This hidden idea in my mind blocked me from doing lot of things. I wouldn't start anything till I have everything in place. So I didn't start many things because of that. Starting the process is aprt of the learning process where lessons learned will improve the process. That's what I really believe now, start and learn during the process.

Tracking my money

As part of improving my financial literacy, I decided sometime ago to track my income through some spreadsheets.
Salary spreadsheet.
Credit and bank savings spreadsheet.
spendings spreadsheet.
assets spreadsheet.

Money doesn't drive me

I have this disease all the time that money wasn't the potential driver for me. It is not working as motive for me. I found my motive when I found the understanding, exploring and innovatiing new scientific ideas and gathering thoughts and changing the world and implementing the technology. That was really more effective motive for me.
I was trying to develop as well the money as potential driver by
1) enjoying it.
2) investing the money in my real hobby which is scientific promotion and academic degrees and buying additional textbooks.
3) Know exactly what you have now because really I rarely think about that and how much could I earn more.

Turning me to productive person

All these tips and hints and lessons learned are turning my character to more organize, productive and intelligent person. In addition to increase my self esteem and self awareness.

Plan for executing your tasks

If you didn't think awhile about your tasks you will lose the point from recording them in addition to your notes.
You need to think awhile about your tasks and your notes and how you are going to execute them.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Demand and supply for the talent management

Demand and supply law should govern the talent management. The distribution of the talents will be through the payment packages, the working environment and the highest needs. The one who is welling to invest more and appreciate the value of their interest and considering it compelling enough to get it.

Self constraints

Key factor for success and elastic mobility int he world. Eliminate the self constraints. When I thought before that sending the full career life in one employer and considered that as a success criteria I was wrong. Don't put constraints to yourself. Move freely to appreciates you more, recognize the value you can deliver more, and pay more.

Talent appreciating employer

If my current employer dose not appreciate the full potential of my talent and multitude of tasks done by myself relative to others then search for who can appreciate that and utilize that more.
The one who sense the value and appreciate the value of your knowledge, skills set and talent.
The one who is welling to develop your talent and who can provide you wider roadmap for leveraging your career and escalating your career to the highest altitudes.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Microscopic analysis for each of my life aspects

Since somtime now, whatever is existing all interesecting with my life is subjected to detailed and indepth analysis to the very detailed scientific levels. I'm deeply implementing this indepth insight to whatever interesect with my life to the highest possible level of scientific analysis and investigation. Thius transitioning me from the previous shallow person to more smart, intelligent and careful person on whatever he is engaged and more serious handling of my life and more knowledgable approach rather than the previous careless, shallow, ignorant approach.
Now ignorance is not accepted and I have to operate my head on every single aspect of my life and each single task I'm doing.

Anatomizing and scrutinzing my personality

I was working on that since awhiel where I'm precisely scrutizing and anatomizing my personality and my life to the very fine details level. It will increase my self awareness and my self understanding and appreciation. It will increase my energy and momentum to work for my self and to do effort for myself.

Anatomizing and scrutinzing my personality

I was working on that since awhiel where I'm precisely scrutizing and anatomizing my personality and my life to the very fine details level. It will increase my self awareness and my self understanding and appreciation. It will increase my energy and momentum to work for my self and to do effort for myself.

Personalizing my blog and self centering my consciouness

I'm personalizing more and more this blog to really reflect nothing but me. As I was doing since awhile to center my life around me and to have more love, respect and care about myself. Something was badly mssing during certain time of my life. I'm training myself and helping myself to love myself and to work for it and to make my life the greatest cause.


I'm increasing my awareness currently with the self-respect. Self-respect in terms of several aspects.
1) Healthy life, where I deicded to regularly exercise and being in Balikpapn for this bussiness trip will be good chance to intensify my workout sessions and to get rid from this ugly tiny belly.
2) I want to increase as well the frequency of taking scientific notes related to my work. Though till now I'm not succesfull to maximize the rate and frequency but I will certainly do that at once by more commitment and raising its priority relative to other recreational staff.
3) Achieving my idea about video recording some know-hows of the upstream oil and gas softwares and publishing them on the internat. I'm really enthusiastic about the idea to contribute in democratising the knowledge. I will do it for two applications now DUG and OpendTect.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Work assignments are scientific research for me

My work assignments are areas of scrutinzation and scientifi research for me. Microscopic investigation for each facet and each aspect up to the fundamental details of it.

New idea, don't ignore because it might be the next million dollar idea.

Facebook, or twitter, or Google, all were just simple ideas but someone believed on them and he materialized them in commercial product and easily accessible.

Passion about innovative and creative ideas

I have passion toward that and again if I managed to grow this passion and protect it from the distractions and the negative influences, it will lead me to unprecedented altitudes in my life. So now you know the way, don't let your wife, your kids, friends, people, yourself distract you from your goals. Keep moving on your rail with continuous progress.

Take care about this emerging passion like very soft growing infant

It is still baby so abortion is very easy. Take care about this passion and grow it steadily everyday and always develop it till it become rooted habit in your soul and your nature.

Passion for recording them, then do it , don't damp yourself.

Yes , now I've so much passion and enthusiasm to video record DUG apllications and publish them on youtube and as well for OpenTECT.
This may create the promising idea about audiovideo library for Geoscience and upstream softwares where the textual description of the manual will be totally replaced by video recording.

Materialize your ideas to something valuable

Materialize your ideas to something valuable where there is solid and material mark in the world and footprint on the world. This is the difference between the wishfull thinking and the achievements.
Like submitting them to Intouch or publishing paper just to conclude something tangeible and called achievement for your ideas and effort.

Ideas for investment

Ideas for investment where I'm still thinking about them.
First idea; consulting services for the open source development. this could cover the support and services for several open source packages or ecosystems or development kits or API so working asapplication serviceprovider. So we have now several open. The scope of this consulting firm can manage all these development kit for the upstream EP.
Understand the idea and innovate it and program it.
It may suggest as well workflow.
So the client has the workflow. I will streamline their workflow.
So for example let's identify thier bottlenicks and we will streamline it.
Or let's get user feedback about requested enhacements and let's survey them about the most important ones and this will be programmed.
LEt's understand the user problems and time saving and effort saving.

Programming Cycle Time

Can we really shorten the cycle time for the programming. Can we really democratize for the public and covert it from special experts subject to eaveryone task.
Can we really convert the programming environment to opensource and everyone can do his programming. Can we program our workflow steps and generalize them to general data type.
The cycle time between the idea and the program is the innovation.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Threatened by our ignorace

Yes we do feel threatened and weak becuase of our incompetency and our ignorace. This is usually the first response of lack of confidence so we feel insecured because there is a nightmare scenario here that I'm loose control on the situation and end up with negative consequences.
So the response should be on the contrary. like what?
It is new opportuity to learn something new. This is golden opportunity to utilize my head in new hoirozn and I will cease this ooprtunity. I really feel gratefull that I've this chance and I will overuse to get the most out of it.
I will have chance as well to expand the technology to new territory.

Aggregating the knowledge

Aggregating the knowledge bit by bit like the gold miner who is aggregating the gold nugget by nugget.

Passion for Deep thinking about eachtopic and subject in mu life

What ever I'm talking about with my friends and whatever the subject. I put my head into it and trying to find the roots of the subject and the philosophy behind it.
It is becoming like mission of my life an this was drasti and dramatic transition of my life from the superfacial engagement and careless and unserious engagement with any subject and the shallow appraoch and the low effort and the careless approach to the serious engagement.
I head today in the Sony ads that taking care about the details leads to the perfection.
Sciecne investigation is all about details and thinking about the micro-details of the subject.
That's what I will do.
So for example, Let's examplify things because bastracts are easily forgettable. When you examplify things and put them in very details roadmap and very details steps youwill be able to achieve them.
Like checklist for the safety and all these details instructions.
So you received request from the user about OFM plugin.
Put your head into each word came out from him, like OFM, plugins, OFM-Petrel workflows, production optimization, well trajectories, and think deeply about each one of them as complete subject and even read about them where this deep thinking about each point is creating huge curiosity and can be filled about continuing the effort to respond to this curiosity.
Another passion is expanding the territory of the technology and the smart best practices by encouraging the user more by showing him the value of implementing that in his daily life and saving his effort to more smart tasks.Finally inovative solutions in our knowledge base and really creative and innovative ideas to the other community. That's exactly whatI'm looking after.

Grwo those passions

Grow increasingly and exponentially those passions.

Passions for Reading national geographic. Grow these passion day by day. Don't ever damp yourself. Keep doing it. Dedicate the time for it. Continue till it became deep habit in your soul.

Passion for Deep thinking in my work assignments. It is about exploring everyday new horizons and new piece of land and information. It is about fitting the puzzle together piece by piece and bit by bit.

So I found joyfull and happiness in doing that by this deep thinking I really enjoyed going deeply in understanding things to the fundamental level of it. I hate now this superfacial and shallow engagement of it.

Innovation passion and creativeideas passion.

Organizational skills passion

Information passion and information hungry passion.

Excerise passion and fit passion.

Gadget passion andtechnology passion.

Expanding the territory of technology and knowledge passion.

Work Assignment..Think Deeply

Think deeply about each single tiny point replated to your work. So you have to take the higest level of seriousness.
Deep and grasp understanding about the all aspects of your work task.
Innovative approach for doing it
Perfect accomplishment of the task in hand.
Maximize and enrish and expand our knowledge about it widely.
Deep thinking about it to the fundamental core and the fundamental elements of the case.
Each tiney single word will be analyzed and comprehended and expanded to the wider knowledge.

Scoping my blogging pages

I think if you have different domain of blogging then it mya require several blogging pages. Why I'm blogging.
Firstly to imporve my english fluency avd writing. This by itself is a major value in my life where the impact is tremendous and significat. Bloggin is the excellent practice area for my writing skills and written communication skills. No wonder that the the written communication skills are essential skills and qualification required by the companies because of many works tasks are depending on the writing either the business writing or the technical writing.
Business writing in the form of emails or reports and the technical writing in the form of technical reports or papers.
Another point for blogging is the career journalng where I'm reocrding and commenting on my work activities and work problems and issues but not from ht etechnical point of view. This helps me in my career planing, trigger my mind to think about my career. Again this is very valuable in the career planning in the short and the mid/long term planning.

Privat business vs corporate employee

Private business sounds very attractive idea for me to avoid all these hasseles. Where I can put all my tougths. I have tons of ideas and innovative solutions all the time and I can really convert them to bright and profitable business.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Technical journaling

I decided to enforce my career journaling by recalling all what I've done during the past years and think deeply about it. This valuable accumulate knowledge and recalling them whenever I need.
Some tips to organize that. I will buy suitable notebooks like spiraled one and thin or may be thick to include as much as I can. I will start intensively thinking and trigger my mind all the time. Start writing in it. Scan and label what you can scanned and load it in your career journaling under certain category. Use the labels for search.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Now the value of the career journaling

Now this is the value of the career journaling. In this dispute where I will need my detailed and dated record of my key work achievements. I will prepare documents including all my achievements in ING assignment here to be introduced to the ops manager.

Blogging again enriching my soul

I do believe that bloggin really may change totaly my character and my way of thinking.
It has the power t enrich my mind and generate ideas and brainstorm my mind.

I don't see hope now

Yes. What has triggered me to respond aggressively and firmly by this way that I don't see hope or light at the end of this dark tunnel. So I refused to go to this assignment. I'm solving their problems by compromising my career. I do rather to spend this time in building my career record. What I suppose to mention in my career record during this time, doing other's responsibilities, working as a substitute. Is it how do you run the business here.

Additional bits for organizing and recording my life

I will download my bank statements in Excel spreadsheet to be analyzed. I will download my payslips and collect them in one folder and create tracking spreadsheet for my salary. I want to create as well inventory list or assets inventory list. I want as well to organize my Skydrive to include all my personal files in organized folders. I will try to use good lessons and tips from the personal information management.

Tracking my life

Tracking and recording my life will go through different tools and channels and each one of them will capture aspect of my life as listed below.
1) Mobile calendar will I'm recording in high frequency level of details my daily personal and professional events.
2) Tasks in mobile and synchronized with Outlook Tasks where I'm recording what I've done and this is major record as well for the even tiny things happened during the day. The difference between the calendar and the tasks and the area of application for each one will solve my problem that the calendar it capturing the major events along the day but I want to capture the professional conversation with a friend or quick chat with someone or submitting certain task so the common criterion for all of them they didn,t consume long time but they happened.
3) Email archiving is very valuable record as well for my career.
4) Personal emails in my mail box.
6) Notes in my phone should be archived as well to document what I was doing in them.
7) Some of the listed tasks if they will consume 30 min time should be recorded in the calendar.
8) Professional career blogging will be another way for documenting my daily tasks and some of my thoughts.
9) Professional and scientific notes will be scanned as well and uploaded to my scientific blogging.
10) Outlook journaling and recording MS office documents and phone calls.
11) call history on mobile and archiving it.
12) Cell textings.
13) Web browsing history
14) Petrel history.

Organizing my life

I'm fan of two concepts which will have major impact on my life. The first concept is the personal information management and the personal knowledge management. The second concept is the documentation and the tracking of my personal and professional life.