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Sunday 28 March 2010

Organizing emails

One of the key organizational skills required for the business is organizing and managing your emails.
Email organization and management should be key important subject and considerable attention should be paid for it.
Email is not only correspondences but thoughts, plans, action items and career record.
Key points to be taken care:
- Categorization.
- Regular archiving.
- Email etiquette.
- Business writing.
- English writing skills.
- Styling.
- enriching your email with scientific and business terms.

Monday 15 March 2010

I'm the man who likes to scrutinize every tiny thing and in the same time has the big picture there.
Siencing things means microscoping them and scrutinizing them and analyzing them and get the building blocks and the micro-detailing of them.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Microscopic analysis of every tiny thing in your life. Before I was having very shallow engagement with everything in whatever I do. I will reverse that totally now y going deeper and deeper in whatever I do to the smallest fundamentals of it and to the deep deep bottom of it.
Keep it, grow it, escalate it day after day.
Each day focus on a certain gift and fully utilize it and find the ways to utilize it. The best way to value the gift by don't use it at all and consider it amputated from you for a day and the next day use it fully and convert it to productive acts and fruitful actions.
I will provide the all required energy and momentum in this new habit of scientific notes and deep thinking. Analyze each single information and data and immerse yourself in the deep thinking thread of it to get to the bottom of it. Don't be shallow in whatever you are doing and fully understand it. Microscopic analysis of each single information related to your work and to your life. I do like this new spirit and this will escalate me to totally new position and new horizon and will transform my life to new career and life ladder which was not there.
The key challenge now to keep it spinning and provide the all required resources and watch fro the distractions.