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Thursday 29 July 2010

Paper book may extinct in the future

The tablet PC's, iPad, iPod, iPhone and the all other smart phones and the e-readers will provide alternative and more convenient means for reading. This may change the concept of the book. Amazon Kindle and the like e-readers products can connect to the internet and publish directly the contents. You don't need on your shelves the tens of books of Britanica or the American encyclopedia. You can connect directly to Wikipedia and the other knowledge repository on the world wide web.
I'm predicting as well that the book and novel writing will change totally because the authors will not need to wait till they finish the whole nook. the time between the writing and the publishing of it till conveying it to the reader will almost instantaneous. Authors can publish chapter by chapter or even each new paragraph.
The communication and the interaction between the readers and the authors will be totally open. Readers can provide direction review and suggestions, to the authors to enrich the content and they can even contribute in part of it.
It is very similar to current comments on the news websites where it is very valuable feature in the news website where the readers contributions are enriching and increasing the value of the published contents. Writers could know what is the reaction of the readers and the news website can get valuable information about the readers directions.
The flexible and remote access to the blogs will open amazing window for the readers to read thousands if not millions of the available blogs and blogs reading will be boosted up and the value of them and the commercial return in addition to new generations and new category of authors will emerge. Writing styles and languages will be developed very quickly.
The current fashion of writing and journalism and publishing industry will be history.

Photo collection

As Part of my previous resolution to increase do little things but they can give some happiness, I compiled this collection of images and I put it as my desktop wallpaper. Looking to my daughters and my wife definitely gives me good sense of happiness which softly touches my soul.

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Technology for the poor

Creating innovative solutions customized for the developing countries and the poor people would improve their status and supply them with badly needed solutions. The major source of innovation is the developed world. They are normally targeting mainly their problems and they challenges and the third world is only the extension of their markets in additional to their countries.
The majority of the people in the third world and the developing world can not afford the expensive solutions and products of them.
We should have home grown solutions for the problems and challenges facing the developing world and dedicated for the poor people.

The following are examples of these simple but effective and innovative solutions.
- There are still so many communities in Africa who don't have clean water supply. This was a major source of diseases because of the polluted and contaminated water. The proposed solution was very simple and very accessible. Expose the water the transparent water bottle to the sum rays for at least one hour. The UV will kill the micro-organisms and the water will be relatively drinkable and safe.

- The Indian inventor who invented small car priced as 1000 dollars. This is definitely product well customized for the poor people.
- India will start to manufacture the cheapest laptop. Its price will be 35 USD!!!.
- Bicycle is an important transportation mean for the poor people. It's price is not yet fully affordable to the all rural people in the developing world. It should be manufactured using materials and cost effective manufacturing technologies.
- Same for health and cheap medicine like what South Africa and India are doing.
- Electricity generators in the rural areas instead of connecting them with the national electricity grid. Cheap and cost effective solar energy based generators.
This is achievable by the cost effective mass production like what China is doing for the appliances and mobile sets.
The products have to be consistent with the buying power of the poor people and the products should be useful and helpful to convert them to be more productive and improve their well being and their contribution in the society.

Happiness is not expensive

We always believe that happiness is an expensive item and it is not always affordable. Probably we are so blind for many sources of items and the majority of them in our hand. All what we need to enjoy them and stop thinking about our worries. Stopping the worries and recovering our internal peace and sense of security is the main access to enjoying these affordable and available sources of happiness.
That's what I started recently to do. To find these small sources of happiness which has a level of influence in my general mood and inner soul and gradually improving my mood. It will contribute as well in relieving the accumulated stresses.
The following are examples of very affordable and small actions I decided to do them to improve my daily mood and internal peace and even immunity system.

1) Changing the desktop wallpaper. Almost regularly I'm changing the desktop wallpaper to fine art paintings which was really impressive and eye catching and cheerful view for me and It was effective in fulfilling my art loving and art tasting. Each time I select different category of wallpaper like natural landscape or fine art or universe or machines. It is not only source of fun but source of culture. Visual culture is very important as well.

2) Physical exercise is major source of improving the psychological status and the overall mood of the individual. I will replace the listening to the documentary podcast with songs. It will contribute more in improving my mode during the physical exercise.

3) Playing music and songs in the background. In the workplace I decided to play in the background music and songs and this as well is subconsciously giving cheerful mood and improving the psychological status.

4) Reading Poetry: I didn't start that yet but It is definitely one of the sources for distracting your mind from the rigid style and gives pleasant feeling and lush green garden in your mind. It can improve the emotional and mental state.

5) Reading deeply national geographic where it is very self-satisfaction and self-respect action to do and I feel good about doing it where it fulfills your desire to be knowledgeable which is consequently will improve your self confidence. It gives your mind a break from any work or life related stresses and gives your the pleasure of knowledge for the seek of knowledge like the Greeks and the Western mentality for perceiving the knowledge as pure source of curiosity and pleasure.

6) Jokes: I will read everyday a joke or two where it will put smile on my face and will supply my soul with some fun.

7) I enjoyed before the comic episodes so much and no doubt about its considerable influence about the mood. No wonder these comic episodes are greatly successful and popular. I have to assign the time for them and forget the all world and responsibilities and watch them.

8) Tasting the good food: In many occasions I'm not really tasting fully the good food. I have to fully use the all tasting sensors and look deeply to the good food and its beauty. I will stop the mechanical eating and I will make the major objective to be the tasting. I will remind myself before the eating each time. Taste fully the food with all your tongue sensors and chew the food very well to retain this pleasure.

9) Listening to good Quraan citations is major source of magical internal peace. I will follow that as well to recover my lost internal peace.

10) Flowers and their healthy effect. I will find a way for looking at them. Probably int he garden.

News is still disputed issue here where they could have hidden negative effect if I couldn't manage to detach myself from them or distracting and escape route from the stressful problems if I just followed them as even educational awareness exercise.

I need to follow regularly these recommendations to reduce the accumulated stresses and pressures.
It will provide escape route and relatively manifestation to avoid the break point and the unhealthy accumulation of the stresses.
The daily mounting of the pressure and the build-up of the stresses is very silent enemy and it is not easily identified.
These actions will provide shielding from them.
This will speed up the recovery of the internal peace.
I have to isolate myself during these "psychological" exercises from any stressful problems. Following these actions will recover my healthy state of mind and soul.

Monday 26 July 2010

Personality development review

I'm relatively satisfied about my progress at several aspects. One of the key improvements is the planning for each action in my life. Travel was one of these key aspects. By the rapid comparison between my level of planning for the travel as an example in my life and the current level of planning, I can see a considerable change. Previously it was part of my hub hazard life running and going or reacting to the life stream. Now I'm planning ahead from any action and travel is part of it.
I'm developing here several key success habits like planning skills. I'm doing full simulation of the expected scenario and I'm planning accordingly to it to assess the logistics and estimating the required budget and planning the schedule and the agenda and the objective of it. This is a major and valuable skills in the life and the business.
Each action and aspect of my life will be new exercise for that.
In addition to the planning skills, I'm improving additional set of skills like collecting the required knowledge and information and adding to my experience knowledge-based experience and adding valuable and reliable experience. All these will ease further my upcoming life and will speed up my success.
The all good habits are interlinked together and when you address one of them it will pull the another and you will find the network of the good habits are developing together. The developed skills;
-Organizational skills.
-Planning skills.
-Logistics estimation.

Friday 23 July 2010

China is heading toward more consumerism

This was very interesting economic analysis about the chinese measures to mitigate the impact of the financial crisis.
Chinese economy is depending mainly on the exporting. The last financial global crisis has shaken heavily the Chinese economy because of the weakening of the importers' economy. The heavy consequences of any financial crisis would affect always the country which has strong exporting dependency policy and relatively weaker domestic trade.
The Chinese have understood the lessons and they decided to strengthen the domestic trade.
They have taken some measures to re-balance their economy between the exporting and the domestic trade. This will reduce the risk exposure due to dependency on the export.
The rural areas of China are well known about their low spendings. The Chinese government started to encourage them to increase their spendings but subsidize the home appliances. It is a targeting subsidizing for only the rural citizens. This policy has several benefits. It will increase the development of the rural areas and improve the living standards of the rural people and in the same time it will activate the domestic trade.
The subsidization is up to 13% and the customer has to prove that he resides in rural areas.
This will activate the domestic trade and will reduce the full dependency on the exports.
This should be the policy of any subsidizing. It should be selective and intelligent.
Having said that, it will not be the root solution for activating the domestic trade.
This will be only temporarily solution. On the later stage they should tackle the root causes of the over savings by establishing comprehensive social security system.
China as the majority of the developing countries haven't reliable and comprehensive social security system. That's why the people has to plan secure themselves by precautionary savings.
There is no unemployment insurance and the medical insurance is weak in addition to the lack of education support and post retirement uncertainties.
All these are pushing people to take precautionary measures by stocking their savings for these reasons.

Currency trade

Currency trade is a major investment market. There are different ways for the currency trades either through online accounts with one of the online currency trades or the currency notes sell and buy or during the travels.
Frequent travelers could have valuable chances to trade with the currency.
Traveling between multiple countries could provide good chance for a a margin of profit if the one followed smart conversions from currency to another.
It just needs good planning and doing the math carefully for the conversions to maximize the profit.

Information life-cycle in plain english

Everyone in his life takes thousands and thousands of decisions which are shaping his life. These decisions are fully associated with the information life-cycle.
There well structured course for the data and information in very organized pattern.
I will summarize the information life-cycle in the following points;
- Acquiring the data using sensors from the surrounding environment.
- Analyzing and processing the data.
- Transforming the data to useful information through extracting the derivatives out of it.
- This transformation process from the data level to information level is progressive process where along this process the data is refined gradually till we get the highest level of useful information.
- The value of the information is proportional with the closeness to the economic and the directly influencing values. for example the high level information is the reserve of the hydrocarbon and the optimum locations of the wells. There is a long cycle till this stage to upgrade the value of the data till we rich this level.
Why this information considered as the key high level of information?. Simply because it will determine the economic value and will influence the main objective from the whole process.
This is crucial conclusion where the interlinking between the objective, the decision making process, and the information life cycle.
- The decision is taken based on the key vital information and here there are competition between the information based component in the decision making process and the well established and recognized experiences and sometimes the political and cultural factors. So the decision making process is not free from the impact of the other non-information related factors.
the weight of these factors is totally depending on the environment of these decisions.
- After taking the decision, there is another cycle of data gathering, processing, concluding the sensitive information and taking another decision and so on.
To conclude, it is a connected successive cycles of information life-cycles.
Each life-cycle can be breakdown to smaller and smaller decision making processes and smaller life-cycles which are determining the course of the information. there is fractal structure for these major and minor cycles.
Each organization, country, individual should study how they are taking their decisions and how they are attributing these decisions to their information life-cycle.
This health check on the decision making process is vital for everyone and every unit.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Information life-cycle in the hydrocarbon industry

Since my early days in the hydrocarbon exploration industry, I was attracted to think about the decision making process and its association with the information life-cycle.
Decisions are what is shaping everything in the world. Life is nothing but the consequences of our decisions.
BP oil spill is the outcome result of sequence of decisions based on the information life-cycle.
The life-cycle of the information and its impact on the decision making process was scrutinized by the theorists and studied deeply. In spite of these in-depth studies, the decision making process is not fully aligned with the information life-cycle and it is still depending on the gut feelings.
I know it looks shocking but that's what I've seen through my 11 years life career in the hydrocarbon industry that the proportionality of the gut feelings relative to the information contribution in the decision is astonishingly larger.
I'm talking here about decisions about investment is worthy millions and billions of dollars.
Bearing in my mind, the billions spent on acquiring the data and process it, you can estimate the severity of the problem in sensitive field like the hydrocarbon industry.
In the next post I will explain in plain english the information life-cycle and its association with the decision making process.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Boosting up my scientific knowledge

I want to boost up my scientific knowledge in the coming stage.
I will invest more time and effort and I will follow more strictly this resolution.
I want to cut out some time from the other activities and find the time and reschedule some of my daily routines to give room for implementing and achieving this goal.
The main daily routines which can be compromised to free up some time for this purpose could be the TV and News watching.

The resolutions:
- Read national geographic in more regular and condition the atmosphere for reading and immersing in its articles. I found that it is unbelievably valuable source of scientific knowledge.
- My reading will be reflective, thoughtful reading and I will avoid the rushing and the stress of the time.
- I follow again two electronic periodicals; science daily and nature.
- I will copy some of the articles on my laptop and I will read comfortably offline on my bed before I sleep.
- Scientific notes contributed before exponentially in my scientific understanding. My current problem that there is no trigger or provocation for my mind to produce. I will engineer this trigger and conditions and stimulations by enforcing. For example I gave the previous technical course but I didn't yet think about it. It was major source of inspirations for many scientific and technical problems. I will start collecting scientific notes out of it at once.
- I didn't read full scientific book ever in my life. That what I want to do as well ASAP.
- Once my master studies will start it will contribute vitally in my work related technical and scientific knowledge as well.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Disciplined life

As part of the ongoing process of developing my planning and organization skills and discipline my life more and more, I started to plan for my vacations through the shown spreadsheet.
I decided to be planned for everything in my life. The planning for the personal life is the key ingredient for success throughout the whole life and will lead to prosperous and successful life.

Science, information and knowledge-centric life

Science should play vital role in the one's life, because the alternative is doing whatever you do in ignorant ways.
If we enlightened and equipped ourself with a reasonable level of knowledge and finding what science has found in whatever we do, definitely our performance through the course of the life would be totally different.
In each tiny issue in my daily life, I found huge room of science and effective role of science can be played and activated to ease and solve or at least partially solve the problem.
The problem that we would rather to take short cut and easier solution by keeping our ignorance and depending on any other non-scientific alternatives like common sense, or spinning around the problem and living with it or complaining about it.
I was doing that and I decided to change that for any issue crossing with my life.
I decided to firstly think and deal with the issue as scientific research.
If I managed to deepen this resolution as a continuous attitude in dealing with my problem, this could transform totally my life.
It will be the major transformation and improvement in my life where I will have systematic scientific approach for everything in my life starting from the daily small problems to the major resolutions and events in the life.
Personal life is very rich field to implement lot of sciences in it starting from the art of management to the Psychology to medicine to natural sciences to engineering.
The knowledgeable person who is continuously functioning his knowledge for everything in his life definitely will have more wiser decision and more planned steps throughout his life.
The cumulative effect is profound.
I decided to always read something about whatever I'm doing , even if it is teeth brushing or walking ..etc... get some knowledge about it and learn something about it.
I decided to convert my life to scientific cause and scientific exploration.
Knowledge can be driven from observation and lessons learned as long as we have observing mind and desire to learn how to improve any repeated process.
The key point I will understand the underlying mechanics of any problem or process and I will get the knowledge either through observation and lessons learned or scientific background about it.
The objective will be always improving the process and being closer to the perfection.
The surrendering to the problem is refused.
The living with the problem is refused.
The dependence on the common sense and the ignorant approach is refused.
These are the wrong approaches to be reversed.
Science has covered everything and every certain aspect in our life can be smoothed and eased by science. This simple fact is absent in many occasions from our life.
Science in our daily meal to be scientifically and smartly arranged.
Science in our health.
Science in our postures and body mechanics during walking or jogging.
Science in our daily routines.
Science in cooking.
Science in home appliances.
Science in managing our daily life including time management and scheduling.
Personal finances and accounting.
I will gather information and I will analyze about and for any aspect in my life.
I'm meaning here the very practical scientific information which is directly impacting our life. This is highly useful scientific information for the layman in his daily life.
Collect wealth of information and be always knowledgeable about whatever you do
Breath and live and eat with knowledge. Knowledge-based life and knowledge and science based life.
The science of driving.
The science of vacation planning. Yes even the vacation planning has best practices and wealth of tips and hints for it and valuable cumulative experience.
Always extract lessons learned and always improve any repeated process and convert it to captured expertise.
Continuous learning spirit and mind ready always for learning and practicing what it has learnt.

Monday 19 July 2010

Dramatic improvements

There are changes in my character and my life where I consider them key changes and dramatic turns in my life and they will have lasting and major impact on my life.
They may not sound that important for many but they dramatically molded totally.

- Financial Quotient:
Awareness of my personal finances was one of the major changes where previously I didn't care about this aspect in my life and now I'm closely following it and I'm building up my financial quotient day by day and I'm appreciating more the value of money as a motive and as a mean in the life. This is contributing in enriching my sensation about the reality and deepen my legs into the life ground instead of living in idiotic hypothetical world.

- Self-Esteem:
I didn't have before self appreciation or self care to the level of self-esteem. consequences were quite clear in terms of lack of energy and motivation and shallow engagement and low productivity and lag behind my peers. This has started to change by being more careful about myself and more appreciative for myself and feeling that I deserve my effort and I deserve to have more.

- Health Care:
Again part of the whole self-care and more engaged and responsible attitude I didn't care before about my health. Now I do care more and I'm planning to really invest more effort and knowledge into it.

- Blogging:
Yes blogging as a self exploring and self healing and maturation mechanism is a vital process for maturing and growing my awareness and understanding about myself and the surrounding world.

- Planning:
This was totally absent part in my life because of the shallow engagement and lack of motivation and the effort saving mode I was in. This has changed as well and it is in progress and improvement day by day.

- Workout:
Again this was absent from my daily life for years and years. I started it since some time now and I'm planning to keep it as a habit.

- Scientific notes:
Definitely this has empowered my specialty understanding and boosted my work knowledge and experience to unprecedented levels.

Now all the above only require continuity and continuous improvement and avoidance of fading away this enthusiasm because of internal or external reasons.

Friday 16 July 2010

Octavia Nasr

How many person is ready and has the courage to loose his 20 years astonishingly successful career to express his opinion.
Octavia Nasr did and probably she didn't expect the severe consequences but she has received even more respect because of this event than her 20 years career life.
She mourned the Lebanese cleric leader Mohammed Hussein Fadlalah on her Twitter and because of these couple of mourning words CNN fired her and ended 20 years of astonishing performance.
Sometimes I feel that Americans are suffering from chronic disease of blindness and one eye sighting of the world.
They are labeling this cleric with their stereotyped stamp as a terrorist.
Terrorist label is powerful enough to turn the public against any labeled one sine he will be responsible about the all terrorism in the world since ever.
The cleric was well known about his modern and moderate views and this may seem odd for the american to understand but it is well known fact that some of the cleric can act as beacons for their communities as modern and moderate leaders and bridge the gap between the fundamentalism and the modernism.
American stupidly because of short sighted and narrow political agenda they are killing these modern and moderate voices and encouraging on the other hand the fundamentalists.
That literally what they are doing and they are even excelling it to the perfection level by shaping and empowering the fundamental forces and providing them with intellectual ammunition and fertile soil by labeling and discouraging these moderate clerics.
Firing this lady was only additional fuel and ammunition in the hand of the fundamentalists about the American Hippocratic freedom and more weakening of the reformists.
The co-existence can be achievable if the American changed their perception about the middle east as just big barrel of oil and this barrel has to be sucked till the last drop.
It is enough to know that this cleric was very supportive of the woman rights and he never supported the terrorism.
This by itself represents major virtue for this cleric in an environment like the middle east where the woman rights could re-balance the whole community to the right direction.
If a cleric in the level of Fadlalah supporter for the woman rights he should be fully respected and supported.
The support can be by providing mutual respect and communication channel and dialog between the two parties.
It is pathetic when the leaders of the strongest power in the world are acting only as a blood suckers and their fueling the power of hate-rid by their acts.
I know all what I wrote is fully bullshit in the eye of the political figures and the strategists over there but if you turn blind eye on the face of the sun doesn't mean that it is not there even if you are the president of USA or the homeland security chief or CNN.

LEAN 6 Sigma in our daily routines

Lean is simply the optimization of the time and resources utilization in a certain sequence of processes to achieve a certain objective.
The minimization of the time and the maximization of the resources usage and the optimization of the process, all that is the main goal of Lean 6 Sigma.
Lean is fully applicable in our daily routines as it is in the work and business processes.
The house wife can use Lean to minimize the cooking time.
The maid can use Lean to save her effort and reduce the time for the house keeping.
The student can use Lean to maximize the return of his time.
The consumer can use Lean methodologies to reduce the shopping time.
The process has to start with the time analysis and measurements and improve the process continuously.

random collection of thoughts

Daily collection of observations and notes to enrich my blog.
The understanding of the life and nature mechanics is my goal and purpose of my existence.
I'm exploring the life through different eye. It is fact seeker and truth and science seeker.
The underlying laws of the life and nature is my purpose to uncover them.
The science behind whatever I'm doing is really fascinating for my mind.
Innovation is the purpose of my being.
It is the flash in my mind provoking me "is there a smarter alternative way".
What can be done as new way for that.
What can be innovative in this.
Searching for new idea, new understanding , new science discovery.
Continuous hunger for the knowledge.

Education, unemployment

The ministry of high education announced in Egypt that they will reduce the number of the accepted students to the applied science colleges.
The deep insight in these news would should a real mis-planning and mis-management of the resources.
This decision would mean the unnecessary increase of the human sciences.
The government announced that they will reduce the number of the graduates in medicine, engineering, science, economics, politics.
Consequently the number will increase in commerce, law, art, literature.
This is totally ridiculous for a developing country where it needs to turn the people to productive sectors.
Firstly the proportion of all these vital sectors to the population is below the targets.
Secondly we are not really in luxury status to afford hundreds and thousands of literature students, artists, and lawyers. We need to focus more on the productive sectors.
They said the target number of the doctors would be 700.
Simple math would show that if you will fairly split this number to the dozens of medicine specialties and to the number of the annual incremental population to the existing shortage you will find definitely that we need much much more.
Same simple math is applicable for the engineering and considering the huge amount of its specialties.
For example my major was in geophysics. We were five "5" in the department.
Yes it is totally absurd and unbelievable. Geophysics has tens of specialties and all of them are heavily applied in the society. The question is not the the value of having these graduates but the question is do you have really business environment and something you can it a state or it is hub hazard crowd controlled by ignorant people and they are driving them insanely in nowhere.
No wonder that China has university for the earth sciences because of their full awareness about the scale of them and the value of it to boosting the development of the society.
Their mining, quarrying and CBM industry, needs thousands of graduates every year.

Financial Discipline

The first time ever in my life to have full and grasp understanding of my financial situation. This is dramatic change in my life. This is a milestone and key differentiator and full cycle change in my mind set.
There are two Adel's. The old one didn't know how the hell he was earning or his savings and even he didn't care to know. The another one is following closely his money and he appreciates the value of it. This was a harmful disease in my life to have this curse which is nondepreciating the money though the significant role of it in our life. Only the idiot can't see that. I decided to stop this idiotic perception of money and go toward more realistic and consistent habit with the life and with the reality and gradually picking myself from the swamp of illusions and fictional world and fantasy.
In addition to the underestimation of the value of money in our life which reduced my motives and energy to understand my personal finances, the mental laziness was the another reason where the main concern was buying the peace of mind and turning my back to any issue may exhaust my mind. By the time my mind turned to a peace of crap.
Mind is like a muscle if will not use it you will loose it.
I'm still in the middle of the battle to fight this mental laziness and to fight the fictional and unrealistic world I was in and jump fully into the real world and sense it and smell it and react with it and dance on its rhythm and chant its songs.
I want to be part of this world as a full player not as a spectator.
It is the time of changing the seat from the spectator to a player and active player.
This transformation was part of a major resolution taken before to exhaust my mind about any subject in contact with my life and carry on scientific scrutinizing about it.
This has to be my daily habit in dealing with whatever is in contact with me and my life.
I 'm closely monitoring myself to avoid any retardation and retrogression to the ugly old Adel.
For example I didn't exhaust my mind enough in understanding the education system from my younger daughter. This one was the old Adel who was surrendering to his stupidity and didn't persist to understand the all aspects of the subject in concern.
Mental effort and intelligence should be the common factor in all our daily life and all the life's matters.
Now I totally believe that each single person on the earth needs to deal with money like breathing the air and drinking the water. Personal finances should be essential knowledge for each person to be equipped with.
Thanks to the great book "Reach dad poor dad" who opened my eye and my mind on this basic fact and to care about how money works.
Personal finances should be a continuous education throughout the life starting from the formal education, educational games, TV programs, documentaries.
If people are well educated about the money, the social security and the healthy growth of the business will consequently increase.
This was my spark in the last couple of weeks to understand fully the cash flow of my money.
The next step will the optimization of my investments.
So the last stage was only understanding the current situation and small exercises to reduce some of the losses by the wise usage of the credits and close monitoring of them and comprehensive balance sheet for me.
The next stage will be the optimization of my investment.
I will use my smart education and my Internet skills at this stage.
A lot of intelligent ideas will be developed during this stage.
I started with very basic currency trade exploring by searching for currency price alerts.
I'm dealing with multi-currency nows and there is so much smarter ways for managing them.
The another point will be the investment portfolio between the mutual fund, stocks, deposits, properties, currencies, education,
Yes self-education will really matter because if I will get my master that by itself will contribute significantly in boosting my income.
I need to do the math for that.

Blogs and iPad

I still believe that the remote accessibility to Internet and iPad will boost the value of the blogs by expanding their reach to the readers and will boost the competition between the professional writers and the amateurs. I'm expecting a serious competition from the amateurs with the professional writers and the consumers will have unlimited buffet to select from.


Math is the secret code of the universe.
I really admire this scene in "Beautiful mind" movie when the math professor told his students we won world war 2 because of math, we discovered the nuclear bomb because of math, it was demonstrating the power of math.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Resolutions review

I'm satisfied about my level of commitment to the set resolutions. My previous resolution about being more aware about my financial status is fully respected and executed. Everyday I'm progressing toward my major resolution to be more organized and disciplined in my life and I will never return back to the irresponsible chaotic and random life. I will have a full ownership about everything happens in my life and I will not leave anything for only the strike of luck or blind chances.
That what really pleases me to be more responsible and get more ownership and accountability on my life.
I managed to successfully execute my previous resolution as well before about diving deep in my life details and taking care about my little small details of my life.
No one else will take care about my fine details of my personal life except me.
I fully appreciate that the careful handling of the details and the scrutinizing of them.
My previous mis-understanding about the detail-oriented vision is short sighted or narrow minded was fully non sense and totally wrong.
Life is nothing but aggregation of these details.
Science is nothing but deep micro scoping of the details.
This understanding contributed in my previous mental laziness and careless and shallow attitude I had.
I was buying some peace of mind by ruining and destroying my life.
The simple conclusion I got after years and years is that if you managed to take care about your tiny little small details and you performed in them well , all your life as a result of that will be successful life and this will lead to the larger and larger success.
Life is composed of all these tiny details.
What shapes our lives is these little details and how we are doing them.
Life is nothing but fine details aggregated together and called
I was claiming that I’m dealing with the big picture. This was one of my life's self Notes contributed in that by taking care about the fine and micro-
This was cumulative changes all over my
To exhaust my mind about these little details to find the perfect way for doing them.
As a result of that I'm tracking my expenses and even charting them on graphs.
I 'm recording my workouts in spreadsheets and I will do that in more regular ways.
This shows an evolving of a person from nothing to something. It was dramatic change throughout the time to get to this stage and pay this level of attention to my life details.

Sensitivity analysis for currency trade

I'm working on design Excel spreadsheet to measure the sensitivities for the currency prices and to calculate the profit and the optimum selling and buying point.
My background in the Geoeconomics would help in this interesting exercise.
I would like to generate complete sensitivity analysis for the currency trade and target profit.
If I managed to do it I will submit it to MS Excel templates in Microsoft office website.

Euro is in its down turn , probably good time for currency investment

I thought about currency trade before but two concerns hindered me from going ahead and I didn't take any action since then.
The first concern was sort of ethical one where I was suspicious about the real value of the stock trade and currency trade as a real value generator and they are - according to my understanding which might be wrong - just manipulating the market and no real value generated out of them.
The another concern was simply because I didn't fully understand it and I don't have time to fully understand it and know the selling and buying points and monitor them carefully to pinpoint to the right time.
Continuing the current spark to understand my personal finances and following my previous resolutions about disciplined personal finances and wise management.
I was checking the price of Euro in Yahoo Finances and I found that it is still in the down turn of it.
I thought since while about buying some Euros in this down turn as a simple currency investment exercise and it is really more learning experience for me than real investment. That's how I consider it now where I strongly believe in this concept that the first time is the learning experience and the second one is the real exercise.
In addition to the currency value and the charts for several periods I found very valuable function in Yahoo Finances which is the alerts.
Alerts in Yahoo Finances will notify with the requested currency prices.
Just you need to set the falling or raising target prices and it will notify you through email or SMS.
I will use it for EUR and IDR.
I spent my life working for the money. Let the money or at least little amount of it work for me.
Each salary earner should really think about alternative income through personal investments either in properties or funds but counting on the bank savings or time deposits is the worst scenario for saving your the employee's incomes.
I hope that EU will manage to save their Euro from this down turn and I will profit from my investment in their currency. I will pray for them :)

Friday 9 July 2010

Digital revolution

Egypt went before through several milestones of developments.
The first drastic and shocking one was the agriculture revolution by Mohmmed Ali who managed to transfer Egypt to a regional power and his dreams and ambitions were really beyond his era.
This has transformed Egypt from very primitive stage to well established state and well organized.
He has done what Mahatir Mohammed has done for Malaysia. The complete transformation of the whole country within relatively short span.
The another milestone came with the British colonization where they constructed key infrastructure projects like the railways.
The another milestone was the industrialization of Egypt during Abdel Nasser and constructing the high dam.
I would say the record is very poor in large.
Now it should be the time of another revolution and this should be in several domains in integrated fashion but to be driven by the digital revolution.

Slum cities ; the source of every evil

When you see Cairo from bird eye view, you will see just big slum and ugly city. The official statistics are saying that 90% of the buildings in Cairo are random and out of the planned buildings. Horrific figure shows the chaos we are living in.
The capital of Egypt has to be transfered like what Brazil, Pakistan and India did.
The difference they had the political will but We don't.

Thoughts about economy from layman perspective

The strength and the health of the national economy of any country should be measured by two contradicting factors; the strong demand where people has the power to buy and no recession in the market and on the other hand the savings of the people and how these savings are managed. This is the flow of the cash within the community where the personnel income distributed to spendings and savings. Both are required to push forward the economy but both should be encouraged wisely. In Egypt great deal of our spendings now are consumed on the consumptions like food and house consumable supplies and phone and electricity bills. Savings mainly are distributed to the banking deposits.
I would claim that the middle class slice of the community is still away from the stock purchasing and the mutual funds or definitely bonds.
The wise government is the one who really understands how the people are managing their money and investing and growing their investments not in the short sighted ways like building parks and villas and compounds for the very elite of the society but for the major development project which is generating revenue for the whole nation.
If we have real government represents really the interest of the people, they should plan for major and strategic projects which will transfer Egypt dramatically.
These strategic projects like nuclear plants, IT Outsourcing, Biotechnology, Solar Energy.
Governmental bonds to be published to the people and deduced directly from their salaries. This will encourage people to save and to contribute in the major projects and will increase their national pride and loyalty since they will share the profit.
The current time deposits system from the bank is the worst where money is just circulating between the borrowers and the lenders in illusive projects like building these handful compounds surrounding Cairo and there is no real development projects.
The majority of the customers for these compound houses are the ones who spent their life working abroad or the rich families in Egypt.
There is no wealth developed really inside through massive and serious projects.
These ones who are returning from abroad after 10's of years of saving and hard workings, they are freezing their savings in these houses surrounds by patches of green grass in the middle of the desert and garbage lands.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Evolutionary improvement of the process

Any process or idea or product can grow and improve through gradual evolution.
If we didn’t start till we have the perfect product or the process we may never start or we will lose the valuable experimenting stage and learning from mistakes and the lessons learned.
Spirit of continuous improvement is the real driver for the successful business, persons and nations. To see unlimited room of improvement and critique eye to the mistakes and feedback them and reflecting that on improving the process is the only way for progressing any organization.
The success of any system depends on the ability to improve itself continuously.
The pace of improvement is another key criterion where some of the systems are very resistive to change and to improve.
The measure of the process to pinpoint to the bottleneck and debottleneck them is the auditing and review and measurement.
No harm from initiating imperfect system as long as you have steep improvement pace within the flexible to be changed and adapted system.
This evolutionary continuous and gradual improvement process is applicable for ideas, products, business, process, organizations, persons, nations, science, solution.etc..
The iterative solution in math is very representative for this improvement approach.

Live smartly

Living smartly and intelligently has profound effect on our life. It needs effort to become an essential habit. Intelligence and creativity are not only required to be the well known scientist or the famous genius but they have much wider presence in life. You can be intelligent, scientist, smart and creative in your daily “simple” life. Thinking in whatever you are doing can become vital and effective habit even for the things which we believed that it doesn't need really thinking and we can do naturally based on our common sense.
Stopping awhile and thinking about what you are about to do and finding the best way for doing it is amazingly effective. The cumulative impact of this habit would be amazing on the one’s life.
It is so obvious to conclude that if you do the majority of your life actions in smart way you will succeed in your life as a smart man.
Washing your hand can be smartly or stupidly, walking, reading, speaking, any action in your life can be done smartly where your mind will be active and connected to your body during whatever you are doing.
Finding more intelligent alternative for your everyday actions will build-up a lovely passion for this creative way of doing things and smart ways.
Be smart in your work
Be smart in your dressing
Be smart in your speaking and wise choices of words.
Be smart in your food selection.
Be smart in managing your day….etc..
Be creative in finding more effective and productive alternatives for your daily life.

Live smartly

Monday 5 July 2010

Health Care Plan as a Preventive Medicine

Health care plan dedicated for the preventive medicine by subsidizing the required facilities to improve the public health and reduce the medication cost.
-Subsidizing the dental care products.
-Gym equipments subsidizing.
-Eco-friendly vehicles.
-Healthy environment.
-Air quality monitoring.
-Balanced nutrition.

Crowd brainstorming

I published that in "Whynot" website. I think it is worthy to be published here as well.
Using the crowd brainstorming for the all major problems in the world like climate change, energy, poverty, political resistance.Website can be generated for that to aggregate the all ideas and voting system as well for them about the applicability and the effectiveness.
All nationalities and ages are encouraged to contribute either through internet or SMS's.
Unfortunately crowd wisdom, crowd sourcing and crowd brainstorming is totally underutilized and the innovation is still in the very narrow circle of the specialists.
Based on the theory of probability, it is very possible to have thousands of flashes of genius out of these 50 million monkeys.
Though specialists are empowered by their academic and professional background but they are blinded many times because of too much consideration of the physical and economical constraints. Academic education is teaching the people how to study but not how to innovate or stretch their imagination in the unlimited space of ideas.As a drawback they lose the power of purity and freedom of the mind which is vital part in the innovation.They are boxed in their systematic and conservative approaches to address the problem so they oversee the out of the box solutions.
Amateurs could compensate this part in the innovation process and the economic and scientific maturation of the idea can be pursued by the specialists.Designed for this purpose, the proposed website will provide the unlimited space for all these ideas. Not only that, but it should provide the filtering out of the bad ideas and the maturation of the good ideas till the final stage of a commercial product to cover the full life cycle of innovation by using the millions of brains as developers, planners, sponsors, marketers, .. etc.Ideas are developed through evolutionary course. The smart design of the website could simulate a virtual evolutionary environment for the space of ideas (space of solutions) to eliminate the bad ideas and move forward and mature and evolve the good ideas.
GOM Oil spill is a live example. Two innovative solutions proposed and rejected by the specialists. Centrifugal separators of oil and water and the air vacuum oil suckers from the sand. Both were already experimented and they are effective.
Imagine if you will multiply this effort by thousands or millions. You could have a complete draft or final plan of a viable solution by the smart management of the crowd wisdom.

Instead of having crisis management team only composed of the elite of experts, they will be powered by enormous cluster of millions of processing brains.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Beacon for the people

People always need a beacon to cluster around him. That's how the Egyptian are now. They are like the scattered sheep which need a hurdle leader to gather. It is like the point of the arrow.
The message of the beacon should be clear, and not diplomatic and should be strong.
We are already confused and deceived so any more soft and grey speech is just adding to the confusion.