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Monday 7 March 2011

Egyptian revolution of Jan 25 from Egyptian perspective - 5 (Leadership)

We managed to change Ahmed Shafiq who was appointed my Mubarak in the last cabinet as the prime minister. In general, the man has a reputable professional career but his loyalty was questionable because of his long service under the dictator.
The question arises now is what kind of leaders and the qualities which will qualify these leaders.

In the past era, our leaders were gods or semi-gods. They were above the accountability and the responsibility.
They were regarded as the super duper heroes who have miraculous power and the people supposed to be so dependent on them and people should feel so grateful to those leaders because they accepted to take this heavy burden.
Those super heroes were acting as inspired prophets who are above human mistakes.

On the other hand, Those leaders were turning to giant monsters by the going time with the absolute power in their hand and the people were dwarfing by the time.

We don't want this ugly kind of inspired heroes anymore.

We want technocrat or ultra-specialist who are managing the resources to achieve the people's will.
We don't want super strong leaders but intelligent and well experienced and knowledgeable leaders.

We want chief executive for the country who is taking the mandate from the shareholders of the country who are the citizens.