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Friday 26 November 2010

Using intensively my mind to manage my life

Am I utilizing fully my mind and my intelligence in my life. Definitely no. I'm still trying to fully utilize my mind in whatever I'm doing in my life to optimize the outcome value of it.
My mind is still dummy and frozen in some situations and
I've to stop that.
I should exhaust my mind and push to the limit in whatever I'm doing.
Today I've done a very silly mistake in paying an invoice and I paid about extra 100 USD because of my dummy mind where I wasn't thinking at all at this time. I was just rushing idiotically to pay!!!.
I've an ambitious objective to increase my level of intelligence in my life and utilize fully my mind and to be smarter and to act more smartly.
I'm still the stupid and dumb person.
I don't want to be that person. I hate this dumb personality and I want to be the smart one.

I want to create value for my life with my mind. Converting the gifted intelligence to value and to leave prosperous life by investing the gifted intelligence is worthy every effort.
Intelligence and smart mind is the most valuable asset once could have and it is a petty if the one has some of it and he is not using it as it should be to leave better life.

Health, time, money and intelligence are valuable assets and should be invested for having better life.

I want to excel my life and to understand each single aspect.

My friend is living example for that. Whatever he is doing he is mastering it.
If he is booking a flight ticket he knows every single detail about the flight booking like the transit benefits and the terms and conditions, rates.
He is so knowledgeable about "life matters".
He is empowering himself with knowledge about whatever he is doing.
It is the very practical knowledge about how to live better and how to optimize the value of each single practice in your life.
He is a literal example of what I want to be regarding this point.

He has amazing planning skills because of that.
He has very logical and analytical mind which is capable to analyze situations and optimize the value of it.

He has also very developed problem solving skills.

I like this profile and I want to be like him in these aspects.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Scientific Passion 1

Since more than two years, I started a very constructive and useful practice by journaling my technical and scientific thoughts. This has empowered me with different perspective toward scientific matters and subjects. It has deepen as well my level digestions of the scientific subjects and my understanding and increased my technical competency in my career.

My previous interaction with the scientific subjects was very shallow. I didn't go any deeper and I was superficially familiarizing myself with the subjects.
It was never digestion level but superficial familiarity.

Now I'm directing a microscopic investigation of the scientific details till I reach to reliable understanding about the fundamental components of the scientific matter.

The continuous journaling has developed a very interesting curiosity about the scientific puzzles and mysteries which are related to my career and has grew passion toward the technical and scientific knowledge.

Day by day this passion and excitation are growing.
My career ambitions are growing as well because my self confidence is increasing.

My growing interest is transforming by time to be motivation and driver to develop certain part which I believe that it is under-developed and it has considerable value to be developed and probably I can contribute in that or certain innovative idea can be matured to a full commercial product.

Or a certain scientific subject which I want to know more about and want to digest and comprehend more because it is very interesting to me to know.

It is totally different feeling and mode when you read a certain paper because the subject is really interesting to you.

science and innovation and technology are amazing domains and they have the power to change the life and the persons.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Reading achievement

I'm very close to finish my next full book. I'm so proud again with this achievement. Another thoughtful and deep reading. As I decided before, this way of reading it really enriching my knowledge and maximize the value of reading.
I even decided what is my next book and probably the one after.
I thin they may consume the coming 2-3 months but that's really fine as a realistic plan of my reading.
I will never cease this habit.
My next book will be The coming Oil Crisis for J. Campbell. Using my current reading pace I can barely finish it by the end of the year.
I read many chapters of it before but I've never read the whole book and I know it requires huge attention and concentration to understand the scientific facts within it which I'm planning to fully digest.
Most probably after this heavy book I will the Red Phoenix techno-thriller novel and after that Rich Dad Poor Dad and after that Carl Sagan's Cosmos. These bunch of few books will probably fill the first half of 2011.
It looks that I've tentative plan of reading list.
I strongly believe that my comprehension skills will improve by time and all my reading skills will improve as well. The gained knowledge is really valuable and accumulating by this continuous reading since I've determination to get something out of what I read.
My stock of vocabulary and expressions are increasing by time and that speeds up my reading and comprehending.
My immersing in what I'm reading and my concentration are becoming more focused.
All these skills are under focused attention and improvement what I read since my reading is not only for recreational purposes by basically for educational and development purposes.
It is very nice to have the full matching between the recreational and development purposes in the same activities.

Sunday 7 November 2010

My reading habit

As per my previous resolution, I decided to maintain regularly a reading habit and to improve the quality of my reading. I strongly believe that the deep reading and the improvement of the quality of my reading will be reflected positively on the whole of my life either in the personal or the professional domains.
Now I'm about to finish my second novel since I decided this resolution. I managed till now to stick to my resolution to regularly keep the reading as a regular daily habit in addition to the quality of the reading. I stopped since a long time now my poor reading which was nothing but scanning rapidly the words and superficially go through the words with very poor comprehension.
I read now very deeply and in a full engagement and concentration. I give more care to comprehend what I'm reading and reflect my thoughts and project it to my life as well.
I found more enjoyment and benefits in this type of reading.
I stopped this ill thinking about the quantity of thinking and accumulating the read books and I transformed that totally to the quality of reading and retaining values and benefits of the read materials.
When I stopped my worries about the time and considered the time as infinite when I start reading, I enjoyed the reading and sensed the value of it.
I gain every time new insights, thoughts, knowledge, expressions.
Each day I read few paragraphs, and new bit of the book. I don't rush them but I reflectively read them.
I interact more with the words, expression and thoughts. I thoughtfully read the subjects.
If I couldn't understand a certain line or paragraph, I reread it and I think a bit about to conclude the missed part and to connect the dots and the gaps of my understanding. Something I've never did before. Whenever I went through unclear section, I was simply skipping it.
I'm developing during my reading now, a useful reading techniques to make my reading more efficient like developing my conclusive power, comprehension skills, insights, deep thinking, imagination.
Each book now may consume two months or even three, meaning I may finish only 5 to 6 books per year.
I totally accept this fact now where I'm fully convinced about the value.
I'm not just keen about filling my mental stomach but I taste the words and enjoy the mental taste of them.
Meanwhile, I know that my comprehension skills will ultimately improve and this will increase the pace of my reading.
though I know that a stack of 6 or 7 books on the shelf in my library will consume the coming one year and half to two years, I totally accept that. I only need to be a bit selective about my readings, but whatever is still good materials for my mind.
this contributes effectively to my personal development and the growing of my intelligence and my personal knowledge and experiences in life.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Measuring success based on the chances given

Each day is a gift. Each minute even is a gift. That what we are saying whatever we mean or not. When I see someone who is classified as a successful person I would think directly about what are the chances and resources he was given to be successful.
Each gift we are blessed to receive it in the life, it was given for a reason. This reason is simply using it as best in making better life and better world.
Use it or you will loose it.
I 'm inclined to measure the success in the context of the given gifts and chances.
To assess properly the success, we need to quantify the number of given chances and available resources against the achieved success.
It is like the investment against the achieved revenue.
As it is not accepted to achieve 1 million dollar in revenue if your capital is 1 billion, it is not accepted also to gain only your high school degree if you have "resources" could escalate you to PHD.
These resources could be time, intelligence, money, supporting environment, etc.
That's how I'm setting my way of thinking now about any additional resources that it is a supporting tool for my progress in life.
I've to utilize it in accelerating my achievement and my performance.

The success assessment formula in more quantitative terms could be;
How may chances and resources you were given?
How many of them you have used in developing yourself and you career and your life.

In other words, if I received a much fewer chances and I managed to achieve considerable achievement equally to another person who was luckier than by having the more chances and better living standards and better supporting environment, then I would conclude that I'm more successful than him.

I managed to use the few chances I was given and turning them to fruitful returns.

My definitions of success is evolving. Success in my opinion is not we already achieved but what we could achieve and we didn't.
It is about the extra miles which we didn't step because of our laziness or whatsoever..
The closeness to our maximum capacity is the measure of real success.

This way of thinking urges the one to think about his hidden potential. I consider them the real hidden treasures which require exploring and harnessing. It is the inert energy.

I represented it before like the one who is living in huge palace but he is utilizing only tiny room because he never explored the huge palace he is living in.

Our palace is this hidden potential which could take us to a lot of unexplored territories in life.

A lot of wonderful things in life could be done in my life time and lot of frontiers can be invaded. I strongly believe that I've potential to conquer the world.

I'm always thinking now about converting any additional resources to value. If I've a new gadget it should boost my performance and if I've additional tool it should be reflected on my work competency or time saving or success.

The most important, I ;m setting myself free from any virtual ceiling or cap of my progress and evolution.
The cap is the horizon of my sight and vision.

Each little window of opportunity is a vehicle to go to the extra mile.