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Friday 25 February 2011

Egyptian revolution of Jan 25 from Egyptian perspective - 4 (Democracy Entrenching)

Democracy is an evolving process which should be continuously improved and empowered in the community and in the state establishments.
Entrenching deeply the democracy in the different establishments of the community and the state should be evolving process to be sustained and improved.
By the time, it will become well established practice and well respected by the different community members and the process will become the attitude and the behavior of people.
This process gradually will dominate the political and social life of the communities and the qualification of the leadership and the decision making process will be based on this majority and consensus and individual contribution in the changing process.

Egyptian revolution of Jan 25 from Egyptian perspective - 3 (crowd wisdom)

The consensus, the majority, the crowd has proven in the Egyptian revolution that they are more wise and more effective than the intellectual elite.
This perception about the crowd that they are mass of ignorants was totally incorrect.
The layman and the average person has made their mind and reached to very mature and wise conclusions about the major causes when the intellectual elite were still in their loop of discussions about this cases and causes.
Let them continue in their byzantine discussions and the people will effective do the changes on the ground.

Egyptian revolution of Jan 25 from Egyptian perspective - 2 (unaccomplished mission yet)

Mission is unaccomplished yet. This is the status of the Egyptian revolution up to now.
It is still too early to celebrate the victory of the Egyptian revolution. Ousting Mubarak was just the first objective toward achieving the free and democratic state.
The head of the corrupted regime was down but his regime is still there and they still have hopes to restore the old regime in a new form and a new brand.
The reform process is still in progress and the military is showing progress however it is not up to the required speed and expectation of the people after decades of hopeless situation.
The full adoption and endorsement of the revolution demands should be achieved without further hesitation.
The power instruments of the old regime should be dissolved immediately like the state security and the old guards.
Restoring normalcy shouldn't be by claiming that we achieved the revolution objectives.
We are still far from the finish line and marathon running should continue till we reach it.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Egyptian revolution of Jan 25 from Egyptian perspective - 1 (Astonishment)

20 years ago I had a conversation with one of the intellectual activists about the possibility of the change in Egypt. I was in the high school at that time and he was belonging to the Muslim brotherhood. He told me that the Egyptian people are not revolutionary by their nature and for hundreds or even thousands of years they never protested to the level of revolution magnitude on the ruler. so how we will change the community? He said gradually and smoothly from the bottom to top.
Look what happened? full scale uprise and thousands marched the streets and demanded the ousting of Mubarak.

Yes it was totally unpredictable and unplanned.

Each time I see those clips on Youtube showing the demonstrations of January 25 revolution in Egypt and see those thousands in the different cities and the millions gathering in the Tahrir square I receive the same astonishment and amazement.
It is as the ground was cracked and new bread of millions of Egyptians emerged out of it to achieve the change and to defend of the other living Egyptians who couldn't do it for decades and decades.
In my perspective Jan 25 was the most important key milestone date exposing the drastic change happened in the Egyptian attitude and the Egyptian personality.
Don't ever underestimate the power of the people to do the change.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Rights are not gifted

Rights are not gifted.Rights are taken. This statement is valid in politics, in life, ..etc..

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Appeal to the American people

Arabian countries are not just oil tank to fuel your SUV’s.
Arabian countires have as well living people who are looking forward for degnified life, freedom, and the right of self-determination.

Your oil demand is sucked from our blood.
Remember that when you enjoy driving in the weekends.

Ensuring the stability by supporting logistically and morally these dictatorship means only the backing of the oppression.
So please cut the life line from these dictatorships starting with Mubarak's dictatorship.

If you don’t want to support the revolutionary movements for freedom emerging in the Arabian countries then at least cut your life line from the dictatorships.

World is better without saddam Hussein and also without the all Arabic dictatorships.

If you spent 4000 ceased American soldiers to oust the dictator Saddam Hussein because he was threatening your interests and seeking a better world without him, you have the chance now to support the nations who are striving for the same goals by cutting your life line and your supplies.

Our ambitions are legitimate
We want to move ahead from the tribal structure dominating our nations to the establishment structure ruling the modern states.
We want to change our countries from the police state to the establishment state.

These dictatorships even with their brutal police instruments are fragile and we can oust them by ourselves although their brutal and merciless regimes.

As well said by the Turkish prime minister democracy doesn’t mean heading to radicalism but democracy could mean as well stability but based on real foundation not based on oppression.