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Friday 16 July 2010

Financial Discipline

The first time ever in my life to have full and grasp understanding of my financial situation. This is dramatic change in my life. This is a milestone and key differentiator and full cycle change in my mind set.
There are two Adel's. The old one didn't know how the hell he was earning or his savings and even he didn't care to know. The another one is following closely his money and he appreciates the value of it. This was a harmful disease in my life to have this curse which is nondepreciating the money though the significant role of it in our life. Only the idiot can't see that. I decided to stop this idiotic perception of money and go toward more realistic and consistent habit with the life and with the reality and gradually picking myself from the swamp of illusions and fictional world and fantasy.
In addition to the underestimation of the value of money in our life which reduced my motives and energy to understand my personal finances, the mental laziness was the another reason where the main concern was buying the peace of mind and turning my back to any issue may exhaust my mind. By the time my mind turned to a peace of crap.
Mind is like a muscle if will not use it you will loose it.
I'm still in the middle of the battle to fight this mental laziness and to fight the fictional and unrealistic world I was in and jump fully into the real world and sense it and smell it and react with it and dance on its rhythm and chant its songs.
I want to be part of this world as a full player not as a spectator.
It is the time of changing the seat from the spectator to a player and active player.
This transformation was part of a major resolution taken before to exhaust my mind about any subject in contact with my life and carry on scientific scrutinizing about it.
This has to be my daily habit in dealing with whatever is in contact with me and my life.
I 'm closely monitoring myself to avoid any retardation and retrogression to the ugly old Adel.
For example I didn't exhaust my mind enough in understanding the education system from my younger daughter. This one was the old Adel who was surrendering to his stupidity and didn't persist to understand the all aspects of the subject in concern.
Mental effort and intelligence should be the common factor in all our daily life and all the life's matters.
Now I totally believe that each single person on the earth needs to deal with money like breathing the air and drinking the water. Personal finances should be essential knowledge for each person to be equipped with.
Thanks to the great book "Reach dad poor dad" who opened my eye and my mind on this basic fact and to care about how money works.
Personal finances should be a continuous education throughout the life starting from the formal education, educational games, TV programs, documentaries.
If people are well educated about the money, the social security and the healthy growth of the business will consequently increase.
This was my spark in the last couple of weeks to understand fully the cash flow of my money.
The next step will the optimization of my investments.
So the last stage was only understanding the current situation and small exercises to reduce some of the losses by the wise usage of the credits and close monitoring of them and comprehensive balance sheet for me.
The next stage will be the optimization of my investment.
I will use my smart education and my Internet skills at this stage.
A lot of intelligent ideas will be developed during this stage.
I started with very basic currency trade exploring by searching for currency price alerts.
I'm dealing with multi-currency nows and there is so much smarter ways for managing them.
The another point will be the investment portfolio between the mutual fund, stocks, deposits, properties, currencies, education,
Yes self-education will really matter because if I will get my master that by itself will contribute significantly in boosting my income.
I need to do the math for that.

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