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Friday, 7 December 2012

Open up your receivers to the daily inspiration - 2

This is the second day of implementing my resolution to protect and to support my inspirational and reflection moments.
My determination is still there to shield my initiative from the daily stressful needs and to keep my inspirational streaming thoughts in a safe heaven from the daily fire fighting activities.

I feel great as a student in the school of life who is actively and proactively ready to learn and gain more and more knowledge.

What has happened is simply changing the main objective.
The previous main objective was addressing the pressing work and life needs to solve the problems.
My resolution was a decision to change that to seek knowledge through the motion in life.

No the motion in life is a medium for discovering and broadening my knowledge and not an objective by itself.

If that sounds so philosophical for you, or you believe that I'm going into bullshitting mode, try it and you will be satisfied with the result.

If I managed to continue my resolution and not reverting back to the normal worker person who is overwhelmed with the day to day basic needs, I believe the rewards will be so worthy.

I'm steering my conversation, chatting and question in work toward this truth discovering and inspirational mode and so far what I've gained is:
- Improving considerably self confidence.
- Steepening my learning curve.
- Deeper insights in the subjects.
- And.. impressing others with my deeper level of questions and thoughts!

In the following days and months, I will keep writing about this initiative and its challenges and rewards and its impact on my life.

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