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Friday 10 September 2010

Technical and scientific journaling

I've developed this routine in my career since two years. I'm journaling my technical and scientific notes. This work has developed my understanding about my technical domain and empowered my technical knowledge in my work domain. It has developed also curious spirit about the science behind my technical domain and to get in-depth understanding.
It has developed the deep thinking skills and the logical deduction of the fundamentals and the reasoning.
the value and quality of these notes are ranging from just recalling of the new technical information I gained through the day or the week to really creative and innovative ideas but whatever the level of my notes, I'm appreciating them where all are valuable for me.
This routine has triggered my mind to brainstorm always about the technical problems and to solve them and to collect the scientific facts about them piece by piece.
This trigger is ignited by the work tasks and the new information where these are my ammunition and materials for thinking.
I need to feed my mind with them to think.
This work has developed also a very precise investigation of my technical domain and the desire to understand the details and the fundamentals about it and the desire to digest these fundamentals.
This desire of the in-depth thinking is developing gradually avenues and desire of scientific research and curious mind to understand deeper the science behind these technical domains.
All these were totally drastic change on my way of working and full transition from the shallow engagement to the applied science domain and to the working researcher and working scientist attitude.
It has contributed significantly in my technical competency skills which was reflected positively on the others' evaluation of me.
all my effort in this technical journaling was directly rewarding.
I was becoming day after day smarter in my work and more accurate in my understanding about the smallest things in my technical domain.
I was becoming more and more experience to explore and to discover the scientific fundamentals and the technical fundamentals and the technological innovations.
I will intensify this routine by carrying handy block-note with me to increase and deepen this habit.
I was cease each chance to brainstorm my mind and to produce more and more notes and ideas.
I will expose more and more myself to technical events to feed my mind with the materials of thinking.
Each moment I was discovering new inch in the world of science and discovery and my understanding was getting a bit better and better toward the scientific truth.
Because of the other interests in my life this routine was affected by reducing the assigned time and the lack of ideas to trigger my mind to by active in the thinking of my technical domain.
I will recover again the previous levels of my technical journaling and restore my innovative thinking by the better managing of my time and more determination to assign time for that.
The brainstorming could happen in many occasions and even in the morning shower or the way to the parking lot!!.
I was discovering everyday new "territories" in the universe of science and knowledge.
Each exposure is a really golden chance for me to know more and to discover more and I will cease each chance to do that.
If I managed to keep this routine active in my life and empowered it it will escalate my technical understanding and it will be promote my career to unprecedented levels.
It will be the most rewarding act in my life.

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