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Monday 20 September 2010

Post-it notes on my mobile is really helpful

Since 4 years ago I was using the post-it notes on my mobile. Writing down notes on my mobile and previously on my Outlook notes was a routine practice for me where it helps me to remember all these scattered to-do tasks. I found that whenever I don't write down what I want to do I will simply forget totally to do it or I will remember it accidentally and usually very late.
One of the valuable benefits for recording the notes is the capturing of the new ideas.
Sometimes a new idea is popping in my head at certain time and I want to experiment it in my life, the instantly record it and later I will try it and see how it works.
The another value as I said is the reminding of chasing things in my life up to the highest details.
The another amazing value of this practice, it has managed to do a full transitioning of me by transforming me from a person who doesn't pay adequate attention to the details and the improper managing of the tasks in my life to a person who chase each single small tiny bit in his life and pay full attention to the microscopic details of what he is doing.
The impact on my life was totally positive where my life was improving continuously because of implementing my notes in timely basis and I reduced the missing of the deadlines and the consequences of forgetting the things which should be done.
Implementing the new ideas as well give me sense of creativity in my life and my life style was improving continuously and gradually.
This by itself was very valuable gain to see that my recorded notes are rewarding when I implemented them.
The conclusion I've definitely after these years is; the more notes to be recorded and the more ideas to be stored and the more micro-detailing and breaking down of my life to these small tasks as notes, and the more active and energetic approach to execute these notes, the more improvement I will gain.
I will increase the frequency of this practice and I will capture each idea. I've seen already how the good and sometimes innovative ideas and not wasted by this way by they are born to life by recording and executing them.
My only problem left to be solved now is putting these long lists of notes in a useful contexts. Meaning that I want to put them in space, time and classification contexts. If I will go somewhere where I can do couple of related to-do notes then I want to see that in my notes list. I want to schedule them also in my calendar and my task manager. I want to categorize the all shopping notes in a shopping list.
As I said I will more productive in my notes.
The another challenge I've notes scattered in many place. The most used ones are in my cell phone, but I've in my Gmail and My Yahoo and Outlook Notes.
How can I arrange this mess.
Some of these notes are staying for a long time without progress. I need to change my way of handling them by breaking down them to more affordable tasks.
I'm using basically the hand writing in my cell phone to quickly capture the notes.
whatever comes to my mind, has to be recorded in the notes. This practice has activated also my mind and turned me to person who care about solving his problems and improving his life. My mind was becoming more focused and sharp in addressing my life's staff.
The very small tasks and reminders have a place in this Notes like I want to buy this X on the way to home.
When I was revising from these notes to see what was already done to be deleted and what left to be done I was so satisfied to see that many of what I've done was the result of these ideas and the idea has come at one of these days and I recorded it and reviewing my notes reminded me with it and I've done and now I'm gaining its fruits.
How the creative ideas pushed to life and impacted positively the life was done through this practice.
I started also the voice recording of the notes. It's not yet quite effective but I will trying it also till it gives me its rewards.

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