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Tuesday 23 November 2010

Scientific Passion 1

Since more than two years, I started a very constructive and useful practice by journaling my technical and scientific thoughts. This has empowered me with different perspective toward scientific matters and subjects. It has deepen as well my level digestions of the scientific subjects and my understanding and increased my technical competency in my career.

My previous interaction with the scientific subjects was very shallow. I didn't go any deeper and I was superficially familiarizing myself with the subjects.
It was never digestion level but superficial familiarity.

Now I'm directing a microscopic investigation of the scientific details till I reach to reliable understanding about the fundamental components of the scientific matter.

The continuous journaling has developed a very interesting curiosity about the scientific puzzles and mysteries which are related to my career and has grew passion toward the technical and scientific knowledge.

Day by day this passion and excitation are growing.
My career ambitions are growing as well because my self confidence is increasing.

My growing interest is transforming by time to be motivation and driver to develop certain part which I believe that it is under-developed and it has considerable value to be developed and probably I can contribute in that or certain innovative idea can be matured to a full commercial product.

Or a certain scientific subject which I want to know more about and want to digest and comprehend more because it is very interesting to me to know.

It is totally different feeling and mode when you read a certain paper because the subject is really interesting to you.

science and innovation and technology are amazing domains and they have the power to change the life and the persons.

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