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Sunday 7 November 2010

My reading habit

As per my previous resolution, I decided to maintain regularly a reading habit and to improve the quality of my reading. I strongly believe that the deep reading and the improvement of the quality of my reading will be reflected positively on the whole of my life either in the personal or the professional domains.
Now I'm about to finish my second novel since I decided this resolution. I managed till now to stick to my resolution to regularly keep the reading as a regular daily habit in addition to the quality of the reading. I stopped since a long time now my poor reading which was nothing but scanning rapidly the words and superficially go through the words with very poor comprehension.
I read now very deeply and in a full engagement and concentration. I give more care to comprehend what I'm reading and reflect my thoughts and project it to my life as well.
I found more enjoyment and benefits in this type of reading.
I stopped this ill thinking about the quantity of thinking and accumulating the read books and I transformed that totally to the quality of reading and retaining values and benefits of the read materials.
When I stopped my worries about the time and considered the time as infinite when I start reading, I enjoyed the reading and sensed the value of it.
I gain every time new insights, thoughts, knowledge, expressions.
Each day I read few paragraphs, and new bit of the book. I don't rush them but I reflectively read them.
I interact more with the words, expression and thoughts. I thoughtfully read the subjects.
If I couldn't understand a certain line or paragraph, I reread it and I think a bit about to conclude the missed part and to connect the dots and the gaps of my understanding. Something I've never did before. Whenever I went through unclear section, I was simply skipping it.
I'm developing during my reading now, a useful reading techniques to make my reading more efficient like developing my conclusive power, comprehension skills, insights, deep thinking, imagination.
Each book now may consume two months or even three, meaning I may finish only 5 to 6 books per year.
I totally accept this fact now where I'm fully convinced about the value.
I'm not just keen about filling my mental stomach but I taste the words and enjoy the mental taste of them.
Meanwhile, I know that my comprehension skills will ultimately improve and this will increase the pace of my reading.
though I know that a stack of 6 or 7 books on the shelf in my library will consume the coming one year and half to two years, I totally accept that. I only need to be a bit selective about my readings, but whatever is still good materials for my mind.
this contributes effectively to my personal development and the growing of my intelligence and my personal knowledge and experiences in life.

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