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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Measuring success based on the chances given

Each day is a gift. Each minute even is a gift. That what we are saying whatever we mean or not. When I see someone who is classified as a successful person I would think directly about what are the chances and resources he was given to be successful.
Each gift we are blessed to receive it in the life, it was given for a reason. This reason is simply using it as best in making better life and better world.
Use it or you will loose it.
I 'm inclined to measure the success in the context of the given gifts and chances.
To assess properly the success, we need to quantify the number of given chances and available resources against the achieved success.
It is like the investment against the achieved revenue.
As it is not accepted to achieve 1 million dollar in revenue if your capital is 1 billion, it is not accepted also to gain only your high school degree if you have "resources" could escalate you to PHD.
These resources could be time, intelligence, money, supporting environment, etc.
That's how I'm setting my way of thinking now about any additional resources that it is a supporting tool for my progress in life.
I've to utilize it in accelerating my achievement and my performance.

The success assessment formula in more quantitative terms could be;
How may chances and resources you were given?
How many of them you have used in developing yourself and you career and your life.

In other words, if I received a much fewer chances and I managed to achieve considerable achievement equally to another person who was luckier than by having the more chances and better living standards and better supporting environment, then I would conclude that I'm more successful than him.

I managed to use the few chances I was given and turning them to fruitful returns.

My definitions of success is evolving. Success in my opinion is not we already achieved but what we could achieve and we didn't.
It is about the extra miles which we didn't step because of our laziness or whatsoever..
The closeness to our maximum capacity is the measure of real success.

This way of thinking urges the one to think about his hidden potential. I consider them the real hidden treasures which require exploring and harnessing. It is the inert energy.

I represented it before like the one who is living in huge palace but he is utilizing only tiny room because he never explored the huge palace he is living in.

Our palace is this hidden potential which could take us to a lot of unexplored territories in life.

A lot of wonderful things in life could be done in my life time and lot of frontiers can be invaded. I strongly believe that I've potential to conquer the world.

I'm always thinking now about converting any additional resources to value. If I've a new gadget it should boost my performance and if I've additional tool it should be reflected on my work competency or time saving or success.

The most important, I ;m setting myself free from any virtual ceiling or cap of my progress and evolution.
The cap is the horizon of my sight and vision.

Each little window of opportunity is a vehicle to go to the extra mile.

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