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Tuesday 7 December 2010

End of Oil Age - Part 1

I've just finished reading a very interesting book for Colin J. Campbell titled "End of Oil Age".
He tried to describe the expected crisis due to to the shortage of hydrocarbon supply to meet the growing demand.
The subject is very complicated and it is beyond the simple demand - supply lows. That 's why different perspective may emerge around the subject.
The author has stated nicely the hydrocarbon expected crisis, the roots of it and the probable scenarios and the outlook of the solutions.
It was a very interesting journey for my mind and addition to the indirect value for my career by giving the very wide perspective about the history of the hydrocarbon industry and future of this industry.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Adel. I'm very happy to see that you're blogging about this. I have not yet read Mr. Campbell's book, but if you want to look more into the issue, I'd also recommend The Long Emergency by James Kunstler, and The Party's Over by Richard Heinberg.

    I think I will post more on these topics, but I don't know if I'd say that the subject of peak oil is so much complicated, as it really just strongly conflicts with the paradigm that many people live in, as well as our society in general. That paradigm is that we must always have, and expect, growth, not just merely economic growth, but growth in everything. But, the question needs to be asked, how can we have growth while the energy that we have become dependent on to fuel that growth (pun not intended) becomes more expensive and scarce?

    I hope you have a happy holiday and new year.
