As a corporate employee, I have to, as thousands in the company, to prepare my expense reports whether they are business, medical or benefits expenses. Last time I did that, I had to collect all my receipts and stick them to be scanned and sent to our financial auditors. I had to record them in the website with their corresponding costs.
This process has taken a full business day. Multiply this time and effort by tens of times per year and thousands of employees and you will figure out the humongous time wasted in non business productive time.
Following that, I thought - as usual - about alternatives to ease this bottleneck.
I always believe that the bottlenecks in the business environment should be addressed seriously by intelligent solution to maximize the productivity and the revenue per head.
The simple question pop-up in my head, was simply why shouldn't we outsource this simple mechanical task to any contract clerk to do it and he or she will not mind to take peanuts to do that to have a job instead of nothing. Isn't better than wasting a full power employee with this non productive tasks and time.
No doubts that expense reporting is an essential procedure for any organization to monitor its reimbursables, however it is definitely not productive process and it doesn't contribute to the production.
Two solutions could address this bottleneck in the productivity, the business intelligence and the outsourcing.
I will elaborate more on that in the next blog.